Chapter 1

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Mark and Lexie's house

Meredith has a date tonight. Lexie keeps setting her up with guys and every single date turns out to be horrible, but she does it anyways because she's her sister. Meredith comes out of the bathroom dressed in a tight black dress, black heels, and makeup that she usually doesn't wear. Derek and Mark are sitting on the couch drinking beer, and Lexie cooking.

Derek whistles, "Wow you look hot." Meredith rolls her eyes, and fixes her dress. Derek has always had a crush on her. It's so obvious. Meredith looks at Lexie for reassurance.

"Derek is right, you look hot," Lexie says laughing.

Meredith looks down and up at Lexie, "Are you sure? It's not too... slutty?" she asks. Derek takes a sip of his beer while looking at her boobs.

"Very slutty, very hot." Derek says. Meredith rolls her eyes and walks over to him. She  grabs his beer, takes it, and drinks it.

"That was mine," he says. She brushes off his comment and walks away, looking at her phone. Derek gets up to get another beer.

"You've got to be kidding me," she yells. "My date just cancelled." Meredith walks over to the kitchen and sits on one of the stools behind the kitchen island. Meredith buries her face in her arms.

"I'm sorry," Lexie says, pouring Meredith a large glass of wine.

"You know this is your fault, you keep setting me up on dates I don't ask for." Meredith says, looking up at Lexie.

About 5 large glasses of wine later and she's pretty drunk. Lexie's tippsy. Mark and Derek have seemed to sober up. Considering they would have to take care of them as their wine glasses kept refilling.

Derek notices Meredith stand up and stumble. He quickly picks her up before she could hit the floor and helps her stand correctly.

"I just wanted more wine," she says slurring her words.

"Yeah you're drunk and cut off. No more wine for you. I should probably get you home, give me your house keys please." He says reaching his hand out. Meredith grabs her purse and reaches for her keys, she then plops them in his hand. Derek snakes his hand around her waist so she doesn't fall. "Okay say goodbye to Mark and Lexie," Derek says, opening the front door.

Meredith chuckles drunkenly, "Bye." He holds her close to him as they walk to his car. Derek sits her down on the passenger seat, buckles her seatbelt, and closes the car door. He walks to the other side and gets in. Derek turns on the car and starts to drive. He's been to Meredith's house many times. They met when Lexie and Mark started dating. He remembered the first time he met her. His first thought was how breathtakingly beautiful she was, then he heard her laugh. Her laugh was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. Then Lexie introduced them and he learned her name. Meredith.

"I'm hungry." Meredith says, snapping him out of his daydream. He looks at her and smiles. She smiles back at him. Meredith starts to applaud as Derek pulls into a Jack in the Box. They order their food and as soon as they receive it Meredith sticks curly fries into her mouth.

"Mmm so good," she says munching on her curly fries. Meredith and Derek ordered curly fries and a bunch of tacos. They both eat in the car as Derek drives to her house. Meredith starts fidgeting with the buttons on the dashboard. Rihanna starts playing and Derek starts to sing a long. Meredith begins to sing with him, both of their voices syncing together.

"Under my umber-ella ella ella ay ay ay!" Meredith and Derek sing together. Derek parks outside of Meredith's house and the song ends. Meredith begins to laugh. He stares into her eyes as he soaks in her laughter. Like music ringing in his ears.

"I'm thirsty," Meredith says, snapping him out of his gaze. Once again. He sighs and opens the car door. Derek walks to the other side of the car and pulls open the door. Meredith sticks her head out and throws up.

"Maybe food wasn't such a good idea," Meredith says burying her head in her knees.

"It's okay, come on let's get you inside." He says trying to make her feel better. Derek helps her inside the house.

"Derek I don't feel too well," Meredith says running to the bathroom. Derek hears her pull up the toilet seat and then hears her throw up. He sets the food down and goes to the bathroom. He kneels and holds her hair. Derek eyes a hair tie on the counter and grabs it. He ties her hair up in a low ponytail and rubs her back as she throws up. Meredith grabs toilet paper and wipes her mouth, then she sinks her tired body into his. Derek lifts her up, helps her brush her teeth, and guides her to her bedroom. Then he sits her down on her bed.

"We should get you into something comfortable," He picks out some sweats and a t- shirt from her drawers. He glides her pants on underneath her dress. Then pulls her dress over her head slowly. As he reaches over to get Meredith's shirt she grabs his arm, stopping it. Derek looks into her eyes confused. Her breath heavy, her eyes staring into his. Meredith places her hands on Derek's face and pulls him in, placing her lips on his. Derek's body sinks. He kisses her deeply. Meredith wraps her arms around Derek's shoulders, their lips still connected. Her tongue laid across his bottom lip, begging for entrance. Derek lets her tongue in, both of their tongues tangled together. Meredith's fingers travel to the bottom hems of his shirt. He grabs her hand and pulls away slowly.

"No," Derek says softly.

"What?" Meredith asks, confused.

"Not right now... not like this," he says, placing his hand on her cheek. Meredith places her hand on his.

"Thank you," Meredith's voice cracks.

"For what?" Derek asks.

Tears begin to roll down Meredith's face, "For being my friend. For being here right now. I only have Lexie, Mark, and you. Apparently there are a lot of things wrong with me because no guy ever wants to date me. So thank you, for tolerating me I guess."

Derek lifts her face up, her eyes meeting his. "You don't have to thank me for anything. You are the most amazing girl I've ever met. Any guy who makes you feel any less is an idiot. I should be thanking you, for being my favorite person in the world." Derek says whipping her tears. Meredith places her forehead on his. Derek pulls away and kisses her forehead. He then puts her shirt on her. Derek is just about to leave when Meredith grabs his hand.

"Stay," Meredith says. Derek nods his head and takes off his shoes. Meredith pulls the comforter of the bed and gets inside. Meredith watches as Derek undoes his belt and takes off his pants, leaving him in boxers and a shirt. He looks over at Meredith, she pats the empty space besides her. Derek smiles and walks to the other side of the bed, he crawls in beside her. Meredith turns around, now facing Derek. Their eyes focused on each other. They both feel safe in each other's presence. Derek grabs Meredith's hands and tangles their fingers together. They feel safe. What will this mean in the morning?

a/n: Let me know how you feel about this story. Should I continue it? Should I not? Let me know. I'm trying to write this story in the third person. I don't know how I feel about the third person pov yet, I might change it or I might not. I have another story and if you haven't read it you really should. Don't forget to vote. Thank you for reading!

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