Chapter 15

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Derek and Meredith are in the car driving to work. Derek looks at Meredith with something on his mind.

"What?" Meredith chuckled, grabbing his hand.

"Are we telling other people about us? Is this- are we a secret?"

"Yes.... I just don't want to share us with the world yet. I like our little bubble," Meredith admitted to Derek, holding his hand tightly.

"I understand," Derek reassured her, squeezing her hand back.

"Plus it's fun sneaking around."

The rest of the car was silent, but not in a bad way. In an, enjoying each other's presence kind of way. They finally got to work. Meredith went straight to Lexie. Derek walked slowly to Mark.

"Hey man, you look like crap." Mark chuckled.

"Yeah, just tired."

Mark raised his eyebrows at Derek.


"Nothing," Mark replied.

"Okay well I am on busboy duty," Derek said walking over to where Meredith was.

Something was going on between them, Mark knew it.


Meredith and Derek were almost done with their shift. Work was fun, it didn't even feel like work. Sure there were the usual drunks at the bar but they got to work with their friends. Derek was helping Mark clean glasses behind the bar when two guys came in, Meredith figured she get their order and Derek and her would leave.

"Hi what can I get you guys," Meredith smiled, pulling out her notepad.

One guy looked Meredith up and down, "I'll get a tall glass of you."

Meredith flashed the man a fake smile, "I'm not on the menu."

"I'll get a budweiser," the man's friend said.

"What can I get you sir," Meredith asked the man. Derek was watching the interaction the whole time. He didn't want to come off as jealous and controlling. People like that always come into the bar, but Meredith can handle herself.

"You can call me Tom," The man smirked. Come on did he honestly think he had shot.

"Okay Tom, what can I get you?" Meredith smiled.

"I'll get a budweiser as well, since you're not on the menu."

"Okay well I'll go get that for you guys," Meredith nodded and turned around. Suddenly she felt a hand smack her ass. She turned around quickly. Mark and Derek both got up from behind the bar.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Meredith yelled. Tom lifted both of his hands up and laughed. Meredith sighed and turned back around, then the same hand smacked her ass again. Mark and Derek walked towards Meredith, fuming. Meredith turned around slowly, her hand smacking Tom's cheek hard. Tom's friend couldn't contain his laughter but Tom was furious.

Tom stood up and began to yell, "You bitch!" He got in Meredith's face, Derek ran to Meredith and pushed Tom away. Tom pushed Derek back, Derek was about to punch him when Meredith kneed Tom in the groin. Tom groaned like a baby, and fell on the floor. Meredith grabbed Derek's hand and ran out of the bar. They ran all the way to the car. Both of them jumped into the car. Meredith and Derek sat there in the car, looked at eachother, then burst into laughter. Derek started the car and began to drive.

"You kicked that guy's ass," Derek laughed.

"Yeah I did," Meredith laughed. Derek gave Meredith a high five. They both laughed. Derek looked at Meredith who was looking forward smiling. He was going to marry her, one day

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