Chapter 5

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TW// Domestic violence

Derek knew what he did was wrong... but she hurt him too. He loved her. He loves her. The next few weeks were torture for the both of them. They wouldn't spend time together but they had to see each other at Joe's. Derek would try to get her attention but she dismissed him and acted like he was dead. Derek wished he was. Derek would watch her, like a crazy stalker. He admired her walk, how she talked to people, how she would throw her head back when she laughed. Meredith would catch him staring and he didn't even care. After staring at Meredith he would get all sad and look away. She noticed, because she stared at him too. What hurt Derek the most is that sometimes Finn would pick her up from work. What hurt Derek more was that sometimes Finn didn't pick her up, but he couldn't help but wonder if she was driving home to him. They were both miserable longing for each other.

One day they were both supposed to be working behind the bar. They dreaded being next to each other. This should be fun, he thought sarcastically. Meredith walked in with a long sleeve shirt. She set her stuff down and got straight to making drinks. Derek watched her come in and act like nothing was wrong. He sensed it. He felt it. Something was wrong with her. Meredith looked up at him, his face puzzled.

"What?" She asked firmly.

"You look ridiculous. You never wear long sleeves. Why are you wearing one now?" Derek asked abruptly.

"I wear long sleeves sometimes," Meredith said, refusing to make eye contact.

"Meredith what are you not telling me?" Derek asked.

"Stop talking to me," Meredith said, her voice cracking. Why was she acting like this, Derek thought to himself. She was jumpy. Everytime someone would brush by her or accidentally touch her she would jump. She was scared. Meredith walked away to the bathroom discreetly, or so she thought. Meredith looked into the bathroom mirror, pulling up her sleeve slowly. Derek barged in and locked the door.

"What the hell are you doing?" Meredith yelled, rolling her sleeve back down as quick as she could.

"What are you hiding? What are you not telling me?" Derek said as he grabbed her arm and pulled up her sleeve. He couldn't believe it. Dark bruises traveled up her arm. Meredith turned the other way, trying to hold in her tears.

"Who did this to you? Was it Finn? I'll kill him," Derek said, upset and concerned at the same time.

"No! Derek, I fell. I'm fine," Meredith said, refusing to make eye contact with him still.

"Don't lie to me Meredith," Derek said.

"I fell," Meredith insisted.

"Find a way to look me in the eye then," Derek said firmly. Meredith slowly turned her head and looked at him in the eye.

"I fell," Meredith took her arm out of Derek's hand and began to wash her hands, "You can go I'm fine." Derek stayed there looking at her still. "I'm fine you can go!" Meredith yelled. He didn't believe her but he walked away anyways. As soon as he left she sighed and buried her head in her hands. Tears trickled down her face. She didn't fall.


Derek got in his car and went home to his trailer. He spent the night drinking, thinking about Meredith. He missed her and he was worried for her. He wondered what she was doing at that very moment. Probably Finn. His heart ached. She could be with him right now. Derek contemplated calling her. Oh how badly he wanted to hear her voice. He decided it was time for a shower. He quickly washed his body and hair. He grabbed a new pair of boxers and a ratty hat old t-shirt. Derek was just about to get dressed when he heard a knock on the door of his trailer. He stood there confused and then they began to pound on his door. Startled, he walked over to the door. He couldn't make out the figure standing outside. He opened the door and Derek couldn't believe his eyes. Standing there outside in the poring rain was Meredith. She had a bruise on her eye, her hair damp from the rain, and her face wet from the tears streaming down her face.

"Can I please stay here? Please?" Meredith asked.

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