Chapter 8

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Derek was always a light sleeper. The slightest things could wake Derek up wind, trees, you name it. Derek was sleeping peacefully when he heard a small weeping sound. He tried to ignore it but it finally woke him up. Derek got up, it was pitch black in the trailer. He followed the sound and turned on the lights, Meredith. He got closer to her and he finally found where the sound was coming from. Meredith was having a nightmare.

"No! Finn! No!" Meredith said quietly. Her body was shivering, and tears streamed down her face. Derek's heart broke for her.

"No! Finn get off of me!" Meredith muttered. Derek didn't know what to do, she had said she didn't want a relationship right now and he wanted to respect that. More tears fell down Meredith's face. Screw it he thought. Derek crawled into the bed besides her. He rolled her body into his chest. Her head now snuggled in the crook of his neck. He hugged her frame tightly so she felt safe. The heat of their bodies creating an extra layer of warmth. Her breathing stabilized and her body stopped shivering. Derek contemplated going back to the couch considering he hadn't obeyed her request, but he couldn't bring himself to leave. Meredith wrapped her arm around him and hugged him tightly. Derek felt comfort in her embrace. He rested his head on top of her head and closed his eyes.

"I love you Derek," Meredith muttered. Derek's eyes shot open. Did she just say that? She was asleep but her words warmed his heart. Derek held her closer to his chest, if he could hold her any closer. He closed his eyes once again but this time he drifted off into a deep sleep.
Meredith opened her eyes, the sun creeping through the curtains. The trailer looked beautiful in the morning. Meredith wanted to move but was trapped in Derek's arm. She squeezed him tighter, breathing in his scent. Meredith felt Derek begin to wake up in her arms. She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep. Derek's eyes fluttered open and he smiled at the sight of her. How he could spend the rest of his life waking up next to her. He caressed her cheek, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"I love you," Derek whispered. Thinking Meredith was asleep. Meredith was trying to contain her laughter as she felt Derek's love struck eyes on her. Finally she couldn't take it anymore. She burst out laughing. Derek jumped up, startled. Was she awake this whole time? He panicked, he felt completely vulnerable.

"I'm sorry," Meredith laughed, tears in her eyes because she was laughing so hard.

Derek chuckled nervously, "Were you awake the whole time."

"Yes." Meredith was still laughing. Derek sat up and looked at the girl laughing uncontrollably in his bed. How beautiful she looked laughing. Her laughter finally started to die down and she flashed a smile at Derek.

"You love me," She said mockingly.

Derek tried to form some kind of excuse. He couldn't find words, "I- no I-."

"No," she laughed, "Nooo you said you love me."

"Oh yeah I'll show you just how much I hate you," Derek pulled her in by the waist and started tickling her. He rubbed his stubbly cheek against her neck. Both of them burst out laughing.

"Get off of me," Meredith laughed. Meredith's body was tense as he tickled her all over. Suddenly she found enough strength to roll both of them over. Placing her now on top of him, straddling his waist. She tickled him. What a surprise, he was ticklish. He burst out laughing. As she rubbed against him they both felt his length grow harder. Meredith stopped as she felt his hardened cock between her legs.

"We should probably stop," Derek suggested, pushing her off of him playfully. Meredith's head hit the soft pillow.

"You really love me," Meredith laughed as she looked at the bulge in his pants. Derek placed his hand over his bulge and walked away to brush his teeth.

"Last night you loved me," Derek chuckled at Meredith.

Meredith's face turned into a serious scowl, not understanding what Derek meant. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well last night when I was being your knight in shining armor AGAIN you said you loved me in your sleep," Derek teased her. Meredith started to laugh then stopped when she realized he wasn't kidding.

"I didn't," she said in a serious tone.

"Mhm, you did."

Meredith's face turned red. She couldn't have said that. "Well you must be hard of hearing or something. Are you sure I didn't say I loathe you or something?" Meredith was in denial. Meredith got up to brush her teeth.

"No, no you said you loved me," he protested.

"What were you doing in bed with me anyways?" Meredith asked, stepping out of the bathroom. She had changed the subject.

"You were um... having a nightmare... about Finn," Derek responded. He was hoping he wouldn't have to tell her. He didn't want to pull her back on her road to moving past what had happened. Meredith's eyes saddened, she tried to brush it off.

"Oh," she said. Meredith walked over to Derek and reached for a coffee mug off the shelf. Her butt, clothed by only her underwear rubbed against his length. They both felt his bulge reappear.

"Let me help you," Derek said, reaching for the mug. As he reached for it his hard length rubbed against her ass deeply. Their two bodies now pressed against each other. Meredith stood on her tippy toes and reached for the cup in Derek's hand. She grabbed it and stepped away from Derek to pour her coffee. She added some milk and some sugar. Meredith glanced over to Derek's hard erection poking through the cloth of his boxers.

"You might want to do something about that," Meredith smirked, sipping her coffee, flaunting her ass. Living together in the trailer was going to be agonizing... for the both of them

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