Chapter 28

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2 months later...

"Meredith! Hurry up, it's almost 8:40!"

"We're ready, relax." Meredith said as she rubbed Lexie's baby bump.

"I'm not showing all that much am I, could I still pass as single." Lexie asked, trying to suck in her stomach.

"Well you aren't single so you don't have to worry about that," Mark said as he kissed Lexie's cheek.

"Okay let's go."

"Meredith grabbed her jacket and hooked her arm around Derek's. They walked to the car and got in. Mark and Lexie did the same. They met up at the club. They walked into the club and it was packed as always. They ordered a round of shots before Lexie and Meredith pulled Mark and Derek onto the dance floor.

Meredith and Derek's body swayed to the beat of the music. Derek spun Meredith around. He felt her ass press against his groin and his pants tightened. He placed his hands on her hips and guided her body as they danced. Meredith leaned her head back as Derek kissed the side of her neck. Meredith smiled as her arousal began to pool in her panties.

"We never got to finish our conversation," Derek whispered huskily in her ear.

"What conversation?"

"About you dating women."

"There's nothing to talk about," Meredith laughed.

"I don't believe you."

"What's not to believe?"

"I don't believe you are attracted to women."

Meredith turned around to face him, "You don't think I could pull both genders? I can do it."

"Prove it," Derek smirked.

Meredith smiled seductively then looked around the club. Meredith spotted a brunette woman in a tight red dress. Derek watched as Meredith made her way to the young woman. The woman became aware of Meredith and began to dance with her. The lights strobed as Derek kept his eye on them. Meredith rested her arms on the shoulder of the young woman. The brunette grasped Meredith's hips as they swayed. Meredith's bit her lips as she leaned closer to the woman's face, their lips almost touching. Derek's eyes widened as he realized she was actually proving him wrong. The young woman smirked and connected their lips. Meredith deepened the kiss as her hands travelled to the young woman's ass. The brunette sneaked her tongue into Meredith's mouth as they kissed. Meredith finally released the brunette from her grasp and disconnected their lips. She took a deep breath and wiped her mouth as the brunette stood there in shock. Meredith winked at the young woman before walking back over to Derek. He was shocked. All he could do is replay that image of her tongue down another woman's throat.

"Convinced or do I need to get a girlfriend-"

Meredith was caught off guard when Derek placed his lips on hers.

"What was that for?" Meredith asked as she pulled away from Derek's lips.

"You are so hot," Derek smirked.

Meredith laughed as Derek found her hand and led her out of the club. They walked out of the club and walked towards their car. Derek wrapped his arm around her and held her close.

"I already worry about men wanting to steal you away from me, now I have to worry about women stealing you away from me too." Derek laughed.

Meredith stopped in their tracks and looked up at Derek, "You don't have to worry."

"I know," Derek smiled softly, "You're just amazing and anybody would want you as their wife. You're everybody's dream girl."

Meredith began to blush, she stood on her tip toes and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I love you," Meredith smiled.

Derek smiled as the words rang through his ears. "I love you," Derek said, picking Meredith up and spinning her around. Meredith laughed as he caught her by surprise. Derek placed her back on the ground. Meredith found his hand and intertwined their fingers and began to walk towards the car again. They had never been so in love. Everything was finally how it was supposed to be. Derek couldn't wait to grow old with her, have kids with her, love her forever. 

A/N: I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE. I was trying to plan my chapters and write in advance since this story will be coming to an end soon. BUT I am already working on another story that I will upload very soon. I just want to make the most of what's left of this story. I will edit or make changes in the morning I just wanted to get these chapters out as soon as possible. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND THANK YOU FOR READING.

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