Chapter 6

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TW// Domestic Violence

Derek pulled her inside and into his embrace. Meredith thought about fighting it but his touch made her sink and she started to sob. She was hurting all over. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Derek heard her cries and he shut his eyes, tears began to fall from his face. She was hurt and that hurt him. No matter how upset they were at each other, he was the only person she wanted to be with right now. That was the only place he wanted her, in his arms... safe.

Meredith looked up at him, "I'm sorry for coming here. This was the first place I could think of to go. I'll explain everything I promise. I am just so scared," Meredith began to cry again. Derek pulled her back into his embrace, holding her against the warmth of his body even tighter.

"Sh sh sh sh sh," Derek said trying to calm her down.

After she finally calmed down he let her change into a pair of his pajamas, he made her coffee, and gave her an ice pack. Derek held the ice pack up to her eye. She twitched as the cold hit her skin.

"Meredith," Derek hesitated, "Who did this to you?" Meredith knew this was coming.

"Was it Finn?" Derek's blood began to boil, "God help me Meredith if Finn did this to you. I swear, I swear I will kill him." Derek realized he wasn't helping. He looked into her eyes, "Did Finn do this to you?"

Meredith sighed, "Yes." Derek sat up straight and tried his best to contain his anger for her.

"What happened," Derek asked.

Pools of water began to form in Meredith's eyes, "Well he got to my house and he was in a bad mood. He was really really tired and hungry. I had burned dinner so there wasn't anything to eat. He started yelling, as he got closer in my face I smelt his breath. He'd been drinking. When he drinks he gets a little... aggressive." Meredith's voice began to crack, she dropped her head to look down. Derek heard her sniffle and saw tears hit the ground.

"It was all my fault," she cried into her hands.

"Meredith no," Derek said as he pulled Meredith into his arms, "Do not blame yourself for this. You did absolutely nothing wrong." Derek pulls Meredith away, allowing their eyes to meet, "You did nothing wrong, do you understand me?" Meredith nodded her head as tears fell down her face. They sat there staring into each other's eyes. Then in the heat of the moment Meredith planted a soft kiss on Derek's lips. She needed this. They both did. Derek kissed her back gently. Their kiss grew more passionate, their tongues tangled in each other's mouth. Suddenly he felt tears against Meredith's skin. He pulled away slowly. She began to whimper softly, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry," Meredith cried. Derek put his hand on her face and held her close to his chest.

He kissed the top of her head, "Sh it's okay. It's okay."

They crawled under the covers of Derek's bed. He spooned her, holding her petite frame tightly against his body. How could someone hurt her. She was a tiny, beautiful, and kind girl. How could someone do this to her on purpose? He felt himself grow angry then her small hand intertwined with his, calming him down. Meredith was the only reason he hadn't killed Finn yet, they both knew that. Derek buried his face in her lavender scented hair and they both drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace. It was almost perfect.

Derek opened his eyes slowly. Right in front of his face asleep, Meredith. Their noses barely touching. He stared at her sleeping so peacefully. The golden light beaming through the trailer hitting their faces perfectly. His eyes traveled to her nose. Her cute little nose that had freckles scattered across it. He could lay there all day and count them over and over again. His eyes moved down to look at her small lips. Her small warm lips. Her lips that begged to be kissed. Derek rubbed the tip of his nose against Meredith's, trying to wake her up. He succeeded. Her eyes flickered open slowly. Her beautiful green, blue eyes looked at Derek. He smiled and planted a kiss on her nose. Meredith closed her eyes and smiled.

"How are you feeling," Derek asked, intertwining their fingers.

"I- I'm hurting," Meredith says as water starts to pool in her eyes.

"On a scale of one to ten how bad is it?" Derek asks.

"One thousand," Meredith says, "Everything hurts. Everything was going so fast and now everything is moving so slow. I just don't want to feel like this anymore. He hurt me and you-"

Derek looked up at Meredith with a worried look on his face, not ready to hear what she was going to say next.

"Derek, thank you for being here for me. And I really like being with you, but this doesn't change anything. We just can't... we just can't do this right now. I can't do this right now," Meredith says looking into Derek's eyes, her hands cupped around his stubbly cheeks.

Derek sighed and placed his warm forehead against hers, "I know. I understand." Meredith smiled and kissed him softly. He got on top of her and started pecking down her neck like a chicken. She laughed at the tickling sensation.

"We should probably get you showered and I'm hoping that maybe you would like to go see your sister," Derek says.

"I think that's a good idea," Meredith said smiling against Derek's mouth. She gets up and walks over to the bathroom. Derek follows her. She turns around and looks at him confused. Meredith pushes him back, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I thought we were taking a shower?" Derek asks.

"Yeah separately," Meredith says laughing.

"Oh come on," Derek says whining.

Meredith closes the door, "Now I'm taking off my clothes. I'm lathering myself up."

They arrive at Mark and Lexie's house. Lexie opens the door and she hugs Meredith. Lexie and Meredith try their best not to cry. Meredith tells the whole story to Mark and Lexie. Lexie starts to cry and Mark just looks worried.

"I- I'm just going to go to use the bathroom," Meredith says, not sure if she should walk away or not. Meredith leaves to the bathroom and Derek sees the perfect opportunity.

"She's not okay. What are we going to do? I want to do what's best for her but all I can think about is beating him to a pulp," Derek says.

"Well I can help with that," Mark says hugging Lexie.

"No," Lexie says, releasing herself from Mark's embrace, sniffling, "She wouldn't want that. The most logical thing is to go to the police." Meredith came out of the bathroom. Our eyes all on her.

"What's wrong?" Meredith asks.

"Meredith we think that we should go to the-," Derek is interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Derek looks at Mark confused. Mark stands up and walks to the door, he opens it.

"Where is she? Where the hell is she?" The man behind the door yells. Meredith recognizes the voice and shock goes through her body.

"It's Finn," she says. Derek's eyes widen and he walks to the door. He sees Finn trying to push his way inside.

"Tell that bitch to get out here. She can't hide from me," Finn says slurring his words.

"You're drunk and pathetic. Get the hell out of here," Mark says. Derek walked outside. He was now face to face with the man he wanted to hurt the most. The only question was, what now?

A/N: I am so sorry I took so long to update. I don't quite exactly know where this story is going but I will try my best to update as much as possible. I am thinking about changing the name of this story so leave some suggestions in the comments. Hope you enjoyed these chapters!

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