Chapter 13

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Meredith and Derek exchanged glances across the bar anytime they got. It was finally the end of their shift. Mark and Lexie had already left. Meredith was cleaning tables while Derek was cleaning shot glasses. Meredith and Derek looked at the clock, 9 o'clock. They both looked down slowly at each other and smiled. Meredith took off her apron and tossed it behind the bar, she grabbed Derek's hand and pulled him out the bar. It was raining. Meredith looked up at the sky and back at Derek, their fingers still interlocked. She pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips met and the world stopped. It was as if everything was in slow motion. Meredith finally pulled away from his lips that begged for more. Both of their lips and cheeks red, his eyes sparking.

Derek smiled, turned around, and bent his knees. Meredith was confused then she finally realized what he was doing. Meredith giggled and got onto his back, wrapping her arms and legs around his body. Derek stood up straight and held onto her butt.

"Derek," Meredith laughed.

"What? I just don't want you to fall that's all."

"Mhmm," Meredith agreed sarcastically.

"You ready?"

Meredith rested her head on Derek's shoulder, "Take me for a ride Derek."

Derek chuckled and began to run through the rain. Meredith laughed the whole way. They didn't even care about getting wet in the rain, they were used to it. It was their thing. Derek and Meredith arrived to the car. Derek let her down gently and unlocked the car. Meredith wore the biggest smile on her face, she was so in love. Derek opened the car door and before Meredith got inside she placed a quick kiss on Derek's cheek. Derek smiled brightly and waited a minute before he closed the door. He walked over to the other side of the car and got in, buckling his seatbelt, and starting the car. Derek began to drive, he looked over at Meredith who had her head against the window. Derek placed his hand on her upper thigh, sliding it inwards. Meredith looked at him. Derek was watching the road, driving with one hand and acting oblivious. He knew what he was doing, they both did.

They finally pulled up to the trailer. Derek stopped the car, the car was silent. Meredith sat up and looked at Derek. The car was filled with tension. Meredith pulled Derek's chin, placing his lips on hers. The kiss took Derek by surprise but he deepened the kiss. Derek hardened the grip on her thigh, firmly grabbing it. Meredith groaned in pleasure, her mouth open against his. Meredith threw her legs over the center console, now sitting on Derek's lap. He looked up at her and smirked, she firmly attacked his lips once again. Derek placed his hands on her ass while she straddled his waist, rubbing her against his hard member. Meredith and Derek's tongue tangled in each other's mouths. The car filled with low moans. Derek pulled away from her mouth to kiss her jaw and down her neck. Meredith threw her head back, making more space for his lips. Derek's erection poked her through the cloth of his pants. Soft moans escaped her mouth as he kissed down her neck softly. Meredith looked down at Derek with a smirk, she reached down and pulled the lever attached to Derek's seat. The seat reclined and Meredith pulled her black v-neck shirt off slowly, revealing her black laced bra. Derek looked at her breast in awe, they were perfect. Meredith leaned down to kiss Derek but he stopped her.

"Meredith, I'm not having sex with you for the first time in my car."

Meredith's smile turned into a frown, "Never knew you were such a romantic."

Derek rolled his eyes, "Well that and I won't have as much room in here."

"You had enough room earlier," Meredith said as she kissed his neck.

"Meredith," Derek insisted.

"Fine," Meredith rolled her eyes. She opened the car door, grabbed her shirt, and hopped off of Derek's lap. Meredith swiftly walked to the trailer. Derek got off of the car and quickly walked after her, that he had hurt her feelings. As soon as Derek opened the trailer Meredith got inside and took off her pants. Derek got the message and started to unbuckle his pants, well he thought he got the message. Meredith was left in underwear and a bra. Derek was about to take off his shirt when he saw Meredith grab a towel.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take a shower," Meredith responded.

"Oh.. so we are not?"

Meredith looked at Derek with a puzzled face, "I'm taking a shower I feel all gross." Meredith turned around and walked into the bathroom with a smirk on her face, she knew exactly what he wanted. Sex.

Meredith took off her clothes and turned on the water. As soon as she felt the water was warm enough she got inside. Meredith stood under the water, rinsing herself meanwhile Derek was in the other room. Derek felt embarrassed. He sat there on the bed in his boxers with a hard on, which was very uncomfortable. Derek smiled as he had an idea.

Meredith rinsed the soap out her hair and applied her lavender conditioner. She then reached for the body wash and squirted some on her hand. She moved the soap around her tiny body when she felt hands grip her waist. Meredith gasped as she was startled by the sudden touch.

"Let me help you with that," Derek whispered huskily in her ear. His hot breath traveled down her spine. Derek massaged the soap on her body, lathering her up. He moved the soap across her stomach, back, shoulders, and finally her boobs. His hands moved slowly across her chest, her ass pressed against his hard length. He massaged her boobs slowly. Meredith closed her eyes as pleasure took over her body. As Derek's left hand stayed on her left boob his hand slowly traveled down her stomach to her pelvis, his fingers rested on her womanhood.

"Derek," Meredith whispered.

Meredith pressed against him more. She turned around and got on her knees, now face to face with his hard cock. Meredith looked up at Derek, lust took over her piercing green orbs as she stroked his length gently. Meredith then kissed the tip of his erection before taking it into her mouth. Derek threw his head back as the sensation of her mouth on his length took over him. Derek's hands intertwined in her hair, guiding her head up and down his shaft. Meredith picked up the pace, bobbing her head faster and faster. Derek threw his head back once again, groaning as the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat. Derek released into her mouth, Meredith swallowed and stood back up slowly. Derek looked into her eyes before grabbing the back of her head and forcefully pushing his lips onto hers. Meredith pushed her tongue into his. Derek's hand grabbed her ass, pushing her against his still hard length.

"Bend over," Derek whispered against her lips.

Meredith chuckled, "I thought you needed more space."

"Bend your ass over," Derek whispered harshly.

Meredith turned around and bent over. Without warning Derek thrusted into her. They both moaned as Meredith adjusted to his very big member.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Derek thrust into her again slowly."You're so tight," He groaned.

Derek continued thrusting slowly, gradually picking up the pace. Meredith was bent over in the shower, her hands against the wall.

"Mhm fuck Derek."

Derek began to pick up the pace, thrusting his length faster and faster. Derek groaned as he felt her nearing her release.

"Fuck me Derek," Meredith let out a breathy moan.

Derek wrapped his arm around her waist, his fingers rubbing on her clit. Meredith's legs began to grow weak. Derek rubbed her clit as he pounded into her. They both moaned as his length reached her cervix. "Mhm fuck don't stop Derek I'm going to come." Derek thrusted into her harder and faster. Her walls strangling his length as it grew harder inside her. With Derek's final thrust they both were sent into orgasmic bliss. Derek shot into her as she released over his throbbing cock. Meredith stood up straight and collapsed against Derek's body, their breath labored.

Meredith looked up at Derek, "That was-"


A/N: Wow look at me posting after like a week. I apologize I have been having some technical issues but we have that all sorted out now. Finally getting to the good stuff in this story. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and Thank You So Much For Reading!

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