Chapter 20

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A/N: There are a lot of time jumps so I'm sorry for that but I was lazy and I didn't want it to be long.

2 months later...

Meredith and Derek weren't mad at eachother anymore. They both acknowledged each other's existence but never said more than 3 sentences to each other. Sometimes Meredith would go over and he happened to be there and vise versa. This was one of those times. Meredith knocked on Mark and Lexie's door, secretly hoping that Derek wasn't there. She was wrong. Mark opened the door and sitting there on the couch with a beer in his hand was Derek. Meredith walked in with a bottle of wine, she flashed Derek a half smile and waved at him awkwardly. He did the same.

They all ate dinner and drank alcohol. It wasn't exaclty torture for Meredith and Derek but it was still awkward.

"So what are we doing for your birthday Lex," Meredith said to break the silence. Lexie flashed Mark a look.

"What? What is it?" Meredith chuckled.

"Well we actually are going to Vegas for my birthday weekend and we really want... the both of you to come."

Meredith and Derek glanced over at each other quickly.

"Well I'll be there," Meredith smiled at Lexie and sipped on her wine. Mark looked at Derek.

"I'll be there too," Derek looked over at Meredith while she sipped on her wine.

"Yay okay, we leave next Friday at 9am," Lexie said with a big smile.

Meredith and Derek smiled nervously at Lexie and then at each other. What did they just agree to?

Next Friday...

Mark and Lexie of course drove to the airport together. Meredith and Derek both contemplated not showing up but they did for Lexie.

"Good morning," Lexie said happily when she saw Meredith and Derek. Derek looked half asleep still.

"Looks like you just rolled out of bed," Meredith laughed as Derek's curls flopped all over his head. Derek tried to tease her back but she looked flawless... as always. She had no makeup on, black sweats, a hoodie, her same beat up converse, and a ponytail.

"Okay let's go," Mark said as he finished lowering their luggage.

Getting on the plane...

They were finding their seats on the plane. Meredith saw her seat and sat down, she got comfortable and looked out the window.

"Oh no."

Meredith looked up and saw Derek, he sat right next to her.

"What are you doing?" Asked Meredith hostiley.

"This is my seat," Derek replied.

Meredith put her hand to her face and relished in embarrassment. Derek smirked and Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Don't," Meredith said, putting in her earphones.

"I'm not doing anything," Derek said trying to contain his smile. Meredith leaned her head against the window and dosed off into a deep sleep. Derek was relaxing when suddenly Meredith's head rested on his shoulder. Derek was caught off guard but was comforted by the sound of her breathing and the familiar lavender scent in her hair. Her chest rose and fell, her earbuds still in her ears. Derek smiled and rested his head on hers, he soon fell asleep.

"Attention Ladies and Gentlemen the plane will be landing shortly."

Meredith and Derek both woke up. They pulled away from each other swiftly. Meredith wiped the drool from her mouth.

"Sorry," they both said at the same time.

"It's okay," they said at the same time once again.

Meredith looked out of the window, trying to suppress her smile. Derek looked down trying to suppress his.

They landed, got off the plane, and got their luggage. They all took a shuttle to the rental car station. Once they got the rental car they drove to the hotel. Lexie and Mark got their keys to their room and walked off giggling uncontrollably. Meredith rolled her eyes, they were so in love and she was so jealous. Meredith got the key to her room and left Derek in the lobby. Meredith took the elevator all the way up to the 6th floor and walked to her room. Her eyebrows furrowed as she saw Derek walking on the opposite side of the hall. They both kept walking until they stopped at the same room.

"You've got to be kidding me."

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