Chapter 16

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Derek opened his eyes, startled by Meredith's snoring. It was cute.... most of the time. Derek looked over at the golden tresses laid across the pillow. Derek shifted on the bed slowly, not wanting to wake her up but he failed. Meredith's eyes were still closed, she turned to face Derek.

"Sorry did I wake you?" Derek said, pulling her close to him and combing her hair with his hands.

Meredith snuggled against Derek's body, "Yeah but it's okay." Meredith looked up at Derek and smiled. Derek looked into her beautiful green eyes and leaned in for a kiss. Derek's soft lips hit hers and it was... home. It was safe.

Derek pulled away from the kiss slowly, "You snore like a trucker."

Meredith laughed, "What?"

"You snore horribly loud. But you're cute so I forgive you." Derek kissed her nose and hugged her tighter.

"So what's on the agenda today?"

"Well we've never had an official date," Derek raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean? Isn't eating Jack in the Box, dancing in the rain, and confessing our love to each other classified as a date?"

"That was... spontaneous and amazing but not what I had in mind," Derek said, kissing her neck.

"Well what did you have in mind?"

"You're just going to have to wait and see," Derek got out of bed to brush his teeth.

"Derek I hate surprises, you know that."

"Well I'm sorry but you're just going to have to stick it out for this one."

Meredith groaned and buried her head in the pillows.


"What do I wear?" Meredith yelled from the bathroom.

"Wear something comfortable," Derek yelled. "I have to go pick up something, you better be ready when I get back."

Derek left the trailer while Meredith got ready. Meredith had no clue what they were going to do, to be totally honest she was nervous. She knew he knew her well and wouldn't take her anywhere she wouldn't like but she was still nervous. Meredith put on makeup and got dressed in jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt. When Derek left he wasn't dressed in anything fancy so she figured she didn't need to. Meredith grabbed a grey zip up sweatshirt when Derek walked into the trailer.

"Meredith are you... you look beautiful."

"Are you sure, it's not too... casual." Meredith hoped he would tell her to change into something more elegant but what came out of his mouth was-

"Nope you're fine, let's go." Derek grabbed Meredith's hand and they walked out of the trailer.


"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Derek keeping his eyes on the road.

They finally arrived at a parking lot swarmed with people.

"Derek where are we?"

Derek held up two tickets and Meredith's face shot him a puzzled look. Derek handed her tickets and her face lit up.

"A fair?" Meredith smiled. Derek smiled back at her and got out of the car. Meredith followed him. They walked out of the parking lot and arrived at what looked like was a fairground. There was food, a ferris wheel, games, and a big stage.

"What do you want to do first?" Derek asked Meredith.

"Food because I'm starving."

Derek slickly intertwined his fingers with hers, Meredith dragged him to the corn dog stand.

"Two corn dogs please," Meredith smiled at the worker. "So what did you go pick up?"

"I had to go pick up film for a polaroid camera. I wanted to take pictures so that we could document tonight." Derek lifted up his hand that held the polaroid camera and quickly took a picture of them before she could cover the camera lens with her hand.

"Not cool," Meredith smiled. Derek winked at her.

The worker handed Meredith the two cordogs and she handed one to Derek. They both ate their corn dogs and walked around. They finished their corn dogs and threw the sticks away when Meredith spotted a game and her eyes lit up. She squeezed Derek's hand and pulled him. Meredith handed the guy 5 dollars and told him to keep the change, she then sat Derek down on the seat.

"The objective of the game is to shoot water into the clown's mouth and whoever finishes first wins."

Meredith looked at Derek and raised her eyebrows.

"Ready! Set! Go!"

Meredith and Derek concentrated and focused on their clown's. At first Derek was winning, he started to get cocky but karma came and bit him in the ass.

"Loser!" Derek laughed but got distracted and Meredith was able to get ahead. Meredith focused and then the siren started to ring above her.

"And we have a winner!"

Meredith shot her hands up and smiled. Derek quickly pulled out the polaroid camera and shot a picture.

"Hey!" Meredith laughed.

"Candid," Derek said as he shook the picture.

"What stuffed animal would you like?"

"The giant bear," Meredith smiled.

Meredith laughed and walked towards him, handing him the bear.

"Usually the guys win the girls stuffed animals but I'll gladly accept it," Derek laughed.

"Well this is the 21st century so suck it up," Meredith smiled.

Derek sneaked his arm around her waist and they began to walk. Derek's eyes widened when he saw the ferris wheel. He yanked her hand and ran towards it. They got onto the ride. Derek wore a big smile on his face all the way to the top. 

"You look like a little kid," Meredith laughed.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, not at all. It's good seeing you happy. It's good," Meredith smiled. Derek looked into her eyes and she looked into his. Derek brought his finger to her chin and lifted it so that their lips could touch. They kissed and it was perfect. Meredith placed her forehead on his and stared into his deep blue eyes.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you more," Derek replied.

"Not possible," Meredith said, pulling away and looking up at the stars. Derek chuckled and brought his arm around her and pulled her close.

"I will always love you more," Derek said, kissing her head. Meredith closed her eyes and sank into his embrace.

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