Chapter 4

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Finn picked up Meredith just like he said he would. He was handsome, charming. Finn took her to a nice restaurant. More elegant than she's used to. Meredith prefers junk food, like Jack in the Box. The night consisted of small talk and occasional jokes that made her laugh, but something was missing. Meredith was missing something and she can't seem to remember what it is. Finn paid for their meal and helped her into his mustang. It was nice. Finn is a vet, explaining his emergency that caused him to cancel. Finn started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

Meanwhile Derek frantically grabbed his keys and rushed out of Joe's. He wasted no time. Derek stepped on the gas. He ran over his speech declaring his love to Meredith in his head. He would tease her and hit on her. All this time he thought it was a little crush but Derek's racing heart said otherwise, he loved her. He loved her so much. His heart belonged to her. Derek's heart beat for her. He sped through the streets and finally got to Meredith's street.

Meredith's POV
Finn helps me out of the car.
"Thank you so much for dinner, it was amazing." I say as he walks me up to my front door.

"You don't have to thank me, I had a great time." Finn says, staring into my eyes.

"I had a great time too," I say. We both lean in for a kiss slowly. Finn kisses me gently.

Derek's POV
I drive by her house slowly, I see her. She looked so beautiful. I see her with Finn. I'm not late, I think to myself. I was wrong. My heart shatters as I see Meredith kiss Finn. My Meredith is kissing another man. I drive away, slowly. I drive to the second place I would want to be right now, because the first place I want to be is already taken. I get to Joe's and order a double scotch single malt. I notice a girl eyeing me from across the bar.

Meredith's POV
I'm standing there kissing Finn and then everything comes flooding back. Derek and I singing in the car, our kiss, him holding my hand as I fell asleep. Everything that I had been missing comes back to me. Oh my god. He loves me. I pull away from Finn. I hold on to his shoulders.

"Finn. I'm so sorry. I have to go," I say running to my car. I get in and drive to Derek. It takes longer than expected but I finally get to Derek's. I park my car and run up to his trailer. I pull open the door and barge in.

"Derek I remember-," I say, catching Derek in bed with a long hair brunette woman.

"Unbelievable," I say running out of the trailer.

"Meredith!" Derek says rushing out of the bed and wrapping a sheet around his waist, running after Meredith.

"It's not what it looks like," Derek adds. I turn around, now facing him.

I'm so upset. I'm so hurt. My words spill out, "Well what does it look like? Hm? Please tell me. Because last night it looked like you loved me but right now it looks like you in bed with someone else." Tears start to trickle down my face.

"I do. Meredith I do love you," Derek says placing his hand on my face. More tears fall down my face.

My voice now in a calmer tone."No you don't Derek. No you don't. If you loved me you wouldn't have lied to me this morning. You wouldn't have taken all this time to figure out that you loved me. You wouldn't have waited this long," my cheeks now wet.

"Meredith I drove by your house and you were kissing Finn. You don't think that hurt me?" Derek says with tears in his eyes.

"That was a kiss. I did not have sex with him," I yell. Derek tries to comfort me but I push him away.

"If you loved me you wouldn't have hurt me like you are right now. Standing right here in front of you... it's hurting me. This is the worst pain I've ever felt. So no Derek, you don't love me." I say walking away.

"Meredith," Derek says, grabbing my arm. I don't even stop to think. I didn't have time to think. My hand slaps his cheek, hard.

"No. I don't ever want to talk to you ever again," I say as I run to my car and drive away. I get to my house. I change out of my dress, and take off my smeared makeup. I turn off the bathroom light and start to get ready for bed. I spot something on the floor. I get out of bed and pick it up. Derek's sweatshirt. I bring it up to my nose, it smells just like him. I crawl into bed with it clutched in my arms, pressed against my chest. Tears stream down my face as I clutch his sweatshirt tighter. I hate him so much... but I love him more.

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