Chapter 3

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Meredith's POV
I reach for my phone across the bed. It's Finn. My date that cancelled last night.

"Sorry, I had an emergency at work. I'd love to reschedule. How's tonight?" The message says. Hmmm should I? My brain is still foggy and I still have a hangover. I brush my teeth and think to myself. He seems nice. Eh why not. I spit into the sink and wipe my mouth. I walk into my bedroom and change into my ratty dartmouth sweatshirt with the whole in the back of the neck. Ugh I need coffee. I walk into the kitchen and start the coffee machine. I grab my phone from the pockets of my grey sweats. I open Finn's message and start typing, "Pick me up at 8?" I set my phone down and prepare my coffee. My phone buzzes on the kitchen counter. I reach for it but pause. You should probably wait like a minute, you don't want to seem eager I think to myself. About a minute later I pick up my phone and read the message,"It's a date." I shriek in excitement. I drink my coffee and get ready for work.

Derek's POV
That was absolutely humiliating. Meredith didn't remember a thing about last night. Did she think I was lying or was she just refusing to accept it. I mean she was practically all over me. I get to work. I work at Joe's Bar. Well we all work at Joe's Bar. Lexie, Mark, Meredith, and I. I get inside and see Mark making drinks.

"Dude," I say to Mark burying my head into my hands.

"Where have you been, man? Your shift started 30 minutes ago," He says leaning against the bar.

"I was at Meredith's," I say muffled. Mark smacks my arm.

"Dude that's ama-," Marks says before I cut him off.

"Cuddling," I say with a sarcastic smile.

"Awe so cute," Mark says teasing me.

"No last night we kissed, we made out. It was hot, very hot. It felt right but she was drunk and I felt like I was taking advantage of her. I didn't want our first night together to be a drunken one. So I stopped and we cuddled. All night," I say, sighing.

"Wow, so noble and gentleman of you." Mark says surprised.

"But. When she woke up she freaked out and couldn't remember anything from last night," I say burying my head in my hands once again.

"Ouch," Mark says.

"I know I'm not the type of guy to say no to sex but with her it was- it was different. I couldn't hurt her, I couldn't treat her like a one night stand. She means so much more than that," I said. Before too much came out Meredith and Lexie walked through the door.

"Hey babe," Mark says, hugging Lexie and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Meredith walks towards me with her arms wide open. She hugs me tight. I take in the smell of her scent. Her lavender scent I had missed even though I had been unravelled in it not too long ago.

She pulls away, "You should have stayed a bit longer. I could have made you coffee and we could have driven to work together." Did she really not remember what happened last night? I know it wasn't her fault but she was hurting me.

We worked through our shift, talking like friends. Like friends who totally did not almost hook up last night.

"Hey can I get off a little early?" Meredith asks Joe, our manager.

"Yeah sure," Joe says. Meredith takes off the small apron splayed across her waist and places it behind the bar.

"Where are you going? Do you have a hot date?" I ask Meredith, totally joking.

"Yeah," Meredith responds.

"What?" I ask. Not expecting that to come out of her mouth. Meredith leans across the bar and tells me about the guy who cancelled but rescheduled. Sounds like a total douche. I zone out. She really didn't remember.

Meredith looked at her watch and realized the time. She kisses me on the cheek and says, "Okay got to go, call you later." I watched her walk away, she looked so good walking away.

"Ouch," Mark says. I roll my eyes and bury my head into my arms.

Meredith's POV
I got home and took a shower right away. I had approximately 3 hours to make myself  look smoking hot. I shave my legs, I even shave down there just in case. I washed my dress that had puke on it from last night. Funny. I'm actually starting to remember that part of the night. Derek was so sweet to hold my hair and comfort me. I curled my hair and put on my makeup, I didn't want to put too much on. I didn't want to scare the poor guy. I grab the dress straight from the dryer and put it on. Then I put on my black heels, and some finishing accessories.

Derek's POV
I'm bummed. I don't even know why. Meredith always goes on dates. I don't know why this is any different. I lean against the bar.

"What's up with you Derek? You've been totally bummed all day. You're not mad that I set her up with another date are you?" Lexie asked, placing her hands on her hips. I look around trying to avoid having to answer.

"Are you actually sad over her? I've never seen you like this over a girl, " Mark says.

I stand up straight and everything spills out, "It's that. It's exactly that. Meredith isn't just a girl that I can hook up with and leave the next morning. I can't have sex, I can't have sex without wondering if she's doing the same thing with someone else. And no it's not just about sex. With her it's not about the sex. Just holding her makes everything better. Meredith makes the whole world better. My life doesn't function without her. I can't breathe without her because I love her and I don't want to lose her." The weight of the world lifts off of my shoulders. Mark and Lexie stand there eyes wide opened. Shocked.

"Dude," Mark says.

"Oh my god," I say to myself, "I love her."

a/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter and the cliff hanger. I WILL TRY MY BEST TO UPDATE MORE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE DONT HATE ME. I hope you guys are enjoying this story. dont forget to vote! Thank you so much for reading.

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