Chapter 17

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A few days later....

Life was going good. Meredith and Derek were happy. They both walked into work laughing, Mark and Lexie looked at them suspiciously.

"Well you guys look cheerful," Lexie smiled.

Meredith was still trying to catch her breath, tears forming in her eyes. "You missed it Derek totally just ate it outside," Meredith hit Derek's chest. Lexie noticed and her eyes widened. Derek walked behind the bar to where Mark was. Lexie grabbed Meredith by the arm and pulled her to a dirty table. Meredith flashed her a puzzled look.

"Are you and Derek, you know."

Meredith raised her eyebrows, trying not to give herself away.

"Are you and Derek together?"

Meredith scoffed nervously, "What- What no. You know you're really starting to lose it."

"Meredith I'm being serious," Lexie said, hitting her with a rag.

"Lexie we are not together."

"Okay," Lexie replied.

Meanwhile at the bar....

"Could you be making it any more obvious."

"What is your problem anyways Mark. You've been on my ass ever since Meredith has been staying at the trailer," Derek whispered hostiley.

"It's not that I don't want you guys to be together it's just that I-," Mark was cut off by Lexie.

"So tonight Mark and I are going clubbing, want to come?"

Meredith looked at Derek, "Well I would love that."

Derek nodded his head, "Sure why not." Meredith tilted her head and smiled, Derek couldn't help but blush.

"Alright 9 o'clock don't be late," Lexie waved her finger at Meredith and Derek.


Mark and Lexie left before Derek and Meredith.

Meredith helped Derek clean up the bar before they left.

"So I was wondering if you could drop me off at my house," Meredith said.

Derek lifted his head quickly, "What? Why?"

"Well I don't have any clubbing clothes at your house and I don't know, I feel like I'm sucking up all your oxygen or something."

Derek stroked her face, "You are not sucking off my oxygen but if that's what you want I can drop you off."

"Thank you," Meredith whispered.

"Okay let's go before it gets late."

Derek drove Meredith to her house. Meredith grabbed her jacket and got out of the car, she closed the door and Derek rolled down the window.

"Pick you up at 8:30."

Meredith poked her head through the window and planted a soft kiss on Derek's lips.

"Love you, see you at 8:30," Meredith said as she walked away. Derek watched her walk up to the door, struggle with her keys, and finally get inside.


Derek walked up to Meredith's door and knocked.

"I'm coming!" Meredith yelled. Meredith fixed her dress and took a deep breath before opening the door. When she opened the door she saw Derek standing with black dress pants and a red button up shirt. Derek was speechless, she looked beautiful in her red dress that hugged her figure perfectly.

"You look beautiful," Derek stuttered, leaning in for a kiss. Their lips touched and Meredith pulled away.

"You look very handsome."

"Are you ready to go?" Derek asked, holding out his arm. Meredith smiled and hooked her arm around his, she locked the door, and then they walked to the car. Meredith and Derek met Lexie and Mark at some club. It was packed but luckily Lexie and Mark had reservations.

"Hey!" Lexie yelled from a booth they were sitting at. Meredith squeezed Derek's hand and led him through the crowd, straight to Mark and Lexie. Mark handed them shots and they downed them. Meredith shook her head as the tequila rolled down her throat. A couple shots later and they were all tipsy. The dance floor caught her attention, Meredith pulled Derek out to the dance floor.

"Meredith I don't dance in public," Derek whined.

"Oh come on," Meredith tilted her head and looked into his eyes.

"Fine," Derek agreed. They started to dance when one of Meredith's favorite songs started playing. Meredith smiled and Derek's eyes widened.

"No Meredith No."

Meredith smirked and Derek sighed, knowing there was no way Derek was getting off this dance floor. Meredith started swaying her hips, getting lost in the music. Her hands tangled in her hair and Derek watched her. Meredith moved over to Derek, grabbing his hand as the lights strobed in the club. Meredith pressed her body against his front, their hands still connected and rested over her shoulder. Their bodies moved in sync as she grinded against him. Derek's hands traveled to her waist, gripping her hips and guiding her body. Lights flashed and it was just them, caught up in the feeling of each other's bodies pressed together. The song ended and Meredith turned around to face Derek. They looked into eachothers eyes, the lights still strobing. Derek moved closer to her and tangled his hand in her hair, pulling her into a deep kiss. Meredith kissed him back. Derek smiled against her lips and grabbed her hand, spinning her around. Meredith giggled as Derek placed her hands on his shoulder. Derek pressed his forehead against hers and placed his hand on her lower back, their bodies swaying. Meredith through her head back, laughing. They were having so much fun. Mark on the other hand, saw them kissing on the dance floor and knew that Derek had been lying to him the whole time. Was he going to be quiet or confront him?

A/N : Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading!

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