Chapter 27

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Meredith's eyes fluttered open, her eyes adjusting to the light. Derek's arms were wrapped around her tightly, his head rested on her chest. Meredith managed to get her arm out from under him, she held up her hand and her ring glittered. It was shiny and fairly big. It fit perfectly on her finger. Derek woke up slowly, Meredith brushed his dark locks gently.

"How'd you sleep?"

Derek groaned as he adjusted himself on bare chest, "Amazing." Derek planted a kiss on Meredith's cheek and then placed his head back on her chest. Meredith stroked his hair as he closed his eyes once again. Suddenly her phone began to ring. Meredith reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her phone. It was Lexie. Meredith answered the phone. Derek watched as Meredith's eyes widened as she sat up.

"Shut up!" Meredith yelled as she shot out of bed. "You're such a liar!"

A smile grew on Meredith's face and Derek grew more confused.

"Oh my god Lexie this is amazing! Congratulations!"

Meredith hung up the phone and looked at Derek. He looked at her, waiting for her to tell him what the phone call was about. Meredith shot him a confused look, wondering what he wanted.

"Oh, right. Lexie's pregnant!" Meredith smiled.

"Oh my god that's great news!"

"She wanted to surprise us with those uncle and aunt shirts but she was too excited," Meredith chuckled while getting back into bed.

Derek wrapped his arm back around her and rested his head on her chest once again. "So are we going to be productive today or are we going to stay in bed all day?"

Meredith closed her eyes, "It would be nice to get things done today but... I really just want to stay in bed."

Derek planted a kiss on her cheek and watched her as she tried to fall back asleep.

"What?" Meredith asked him.

"Do you... want kids?"

"What?" Meredith sat up.

"I mean not right now but eventually, would you want kids?"

Meredith looked at him and she realized that he was being totally serious. Meredith opened her mouth to say something but nothing would come out, "I think I might, I mean it's just that I had the worst mother in the world. I'd be the worst mother in the history of the world."

"Meredith, you would be an amazing mother. I'm not asking for babies anytime soon but-"

"What?" Meredith looked at him concerned.

"I have so much land that I want to use. Meredith, I want to build us our dream house. I want to build us a house where we could do it all over the house, where our children could grow up in. I want a home, a new home just for us."

Meredith placed her hand on his cheek and smiled at him, "I would love that."

Derek smiled and placed a kiss on her lips, he crawled on top of her and leaned down for another kiss.

"But we're not making babies right now," Meredith chuckled.

"We're practicing, it's very important practice."

Meredith chuckled as Derek kissed her neck. 

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