Chapter 11

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The mist from the lake rose as the golden beams from the sun lit up the trailer. Love was in the air. Meredith cuddled against Derek's body. It was, it was perfect. Magical even. Not a worry in the world. Just the two of them in a little trailer in the middle of nowhere. Derek's eyes fluttered open, his body sunk at the feeling of Meredith in his arms. The smell of lavender wafted into his nose. Meredith moved away from him. Derek worried he had woken her up, he didn't. She fidgeted a little more, finding a comfortable spot. She moved and her face was inches away from his. Close enough for him to feel her warm breath on his face. Her lips begging for his. Derek moved closer, placing his lips on hers softly. Meredith woke up slowly, recognizing his lips. Meredith kissed him back not softly, but with passion and lust. The kiss took Derek by surprise, but he enjoyed it. Derek kissed her with the same passion and lust. He ached for her, every part of his body. His tongue roamed the bottom of her lip, begging for entrance. Meredith finally let his tongue in. Their tongues tangled in eachother's mouths. Soft moans escaped Derek's mouth as she played with his dark ravenous tresses, lightly tugging on them. Derek's hands roams the sides of her body, rubbing the sides of her torso up and down. Meredith's hands slid down Derek's back as his hands traveled lower and lower. Meredith's fingers played with the hems of his shirt.

"Meredith," Derek whispered, his breath labored.

Meredith took that as a sign to pull his shirt up and over his head. She tossed the shirt aside and it hit the floor.

Derek's body tensed up and his eyes fluttered open. It was all a dream. Derek smacked his forehead and sighed. Derek looked over to see Meredith giggling into the comforter.

"What?" Derek asked confused.

Meredith brought her face closer to his, clutching the comforter tightly.

"Were you having a sex dream?" Meredith giggled in a whisper tone, ".... about me?"

Derek's eyes widened and he began to laugh nervously, "What. No."

Meredith laughed and intertwined her fingers with his.

Derek was still laughing nervously, "Why, why would you think that?"

"Well because you were moaning my name while you were sleeping. Which you know, sounded a lot like-"

Meredith was cut off by Derek's lips on hers. Her body sank and he relaxed. That was his best attempt at escaping that very embarrassing moment. Meredith pulled away from his lips.

"Don't try to change the subject, distracting me with a kiss. I won't laugh. I think it's cute," Meredith smiled.

Derek sighed, "Yeah. I was having a sex dream about you."

Meredith tried to contain her laughter but she couldn't. She burst out laughing.

Derek also tried to contain his laughter but her laugh was too contagious, "I thought you said you weren't going to laugh."

"Oh I know, I know," Meredith planted a quick kiss on his lips, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Derek quickly forgave her with another kiss. "It's all your fault anyways."

"Mine?" Meredith asked defensively.

"You... won't... let me... do... all...  the things... I want to do to you," Derek said as he kissed down Meredith's neck. Meredith squirmed with pleasure, letting out low moans every time he kissed her neck.


Derek's face lit up, "Really?"

Meredith placed her hands on his face, pulling him up to her eye level. "Derek. Tonight. Lots and Lots of hot sex."

Derek smiled and stole a kiss from Meredith's lips. "Oh you have no idea," Derek responded.

A/N : Sorry I'm such a horrible updater. I will update more this week! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's a little short. I'm finally getting to the smut part of this story so here's a warning for people who don't like that kind of stuff. Don't forget to vote. Thank you for reading!

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