Chapter 25

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"Watch it," Derek said as he bumped into Meredith with a box in his hand.


"Sorry," Derek said, setting down the box that contained his clothes. He held his arms open and pulled Meredith in for a hug. He held her body close to his. Meredith sighed and sank in his arms as she was tired of hauling boxes all day.

"Was that the last of the boxes?"

"Yes," Derek said, pulling away from her embrace. He looked over at the pile of boxes in the corner of Meredith's room... their room.

"Okay then we can put your stuff away now, what box should I start with?"

Derek stopped Meredith before she could grab a box, "Don't worry. I'll put them away, don't touch them."

Meredith looked at him offended. "Why are you being weird? Are you hiding something?" Meredith laughed. She watched as his eyes widened. "Oh my god, what are you hiding?" She went to grab one of his boxes but he firmly placed his hands on the box. Meredith tried to pull it from his grasp but he wouldn't budge. "Fine, I'll just go take a shower." Meredith glared at Derek.

"I could... take a shower with you." Derek smirked.

"Tell me what's in the box."

Derek stood there in silence.

"That's what I thought," Meredith said before walking into the bathroom.

Meredith put her hair in a bun and got into the shower, the warm water hit her skin. What could he be hiding? Meredith thought to herself. Does he have a weird shrine? What if it's a shrine for me? Or worse some weird fetish. Meredith's thoughts were interrupted when Derek barged in.

"Hey I'm ordering pizza, do you want wings?" Derek asked Meredith.

"Uh yeah sure."

Meredith washed her body and got out of the shower. She wrapped the towel around her and walked into the bedroom. From the corner of her eye she saw the brown cardboard box. Meredith glared at it, how badly she wanted to open it. But she didn't, she couldn't. Meredith pulled out sweats and a t- shirt.

"Pizza's here!" Derek yelled from the living room. Meredith put on her shirt and walked over to the living room.

"Smells good," Meredith said as Derek fed her a piece of his pizza.

"So you only walk around in your underwear when you're trying to torture me," Derek said, mouth full. Looking down at her grey sweats.

"Tell me what's in that box and I'll take them off," Meredith smiled.

"Nice try," Derek said, stealing a kiss from her and walking to the couch. Meredith rolled her eyes and put a slice of pizza on her plate. She made her way to the couch and sat next to Derek.


Meredith was laid down across the couch, her head rested on Derek's chest and his arm around her. Meredith looked up at him and he looked down at her. Derek smiled and leaned down for a kiss. Meredith returned the kiss. She let Derek's tongue enter her mouth, deepening the kiss. Meredith pulled away from his lips to sit on his lap, then reconnecting their lips. Derek's hands roamed her back as she kissed him, her lips traveled to his jaw line and then down his neck. Her hands tangled in his dark tresses. Derek closed his eyes as her lips touched his skin. Meredith straddling his waist. Derek's hands travelled to the bottom hems of her shirt. Just as he was about to pull it up Meredith grabbed his hands, stopping him.

"Tell me what's in the box."

"No," Derek said looking into her eyes.

Meredith crossed her arms, "Well have fun sleeping in the bed all by yourself."


"I'm sleeping on the couch," Meredith said, kicking him off the couch. "I would make you sleep on the couch but you just moved in and that would be mean, point being I am sleeping here... on the couch."


"Goodnight," Meredith said stubbornly, pulling the blanket off of the couch and covering herself.


Without Meredith in the bed, Derek was in and out of sleep. He was missing her, but she absolutely could not know what's in the box. Meredith on the other hand was also not sleeping. She was tossing and turning on the couch, it was not comfortable. She couldn't take it anymore. Meredith got up and walked to her bedroom. The bedroom was dark, she figured she would just sneak into bed without him knowing. Derek's eyes fluttered open, he screamed as he was not expecting to wake up and see a dark shadow by the bed.

"Sorry," Meredith laughed.

"Meredith," Derek sighed, grabbing his chest like he was having a heart attack.

Meredith got under the covers and huddled against Derek's body. Derek closed his eyes in relief as her body collided with his. He wrapped his arms around her tight, not wanting to let her go ever. Meredith smiled as being in his embrace made her feel so safe. The room was silent and they were comfortable and at peace.

"Tell me what's in the box."


"Fine," she sighed.

Meredith and Derek drifted off into sleep. Suddenly Meredith began to snore which woke Derek up. Derek felt the urge to use the restroom, he gently pulled away from Meredith. He replaced him with a pillow for Meredith to hold onto. He used the restroom and walked back into the bedroom, he looked at the brown box then back at sleeping Meredith. He walked over to the box and opened it, pulling out an even smaller box. Derek opened the smaller box, admiring the beautiful ring inside it. 

A/N : Don't forget to vote. Thank you so much for reading!

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