Chapter 26

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Meredith was wiping down a table when Derek sneaked up behind her. Derek grabbed her hand and spun her around. Meredith laughed as Derek pulled her closer to him and rested his hand on her waist, then kissing her softly.

"Tonight we are going out," Derek smiled.


"Yup, I made reservations at your favorite place at 7." Derek said, giving her one last kiss before walking away.


"Meredith! It's getting late, our reservation is at 7 and it's already 7:40." Derek yelled from the bedroom as he was putting on his shoes.

"I'm ready, I'm ready," Meredith said as she walked out of the bathroom in a red dress and heels. Meredith grabbed her purse and phone before Derek grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. He cupped her cheeks with his hands and pulled her in for a kiss. The kiss took Meredith by surprise but she sank in his touch and returned the kiss.

Derek pulled away from her lips, "You look sexy."

"Are you sure, it's not too... revealing?"

"Well it doesn't matter, you're mine anyways." Derek said as his hands travelled to her ass, "all mine."

"Derek Shepherd, we are going to be late." Meredith smiled at him shyly and walked towards the front door. Derek smiled and followed her. Derek drove to the restaurant, they barely made it on time. They were seated, Meredith and Derek sitting across from each other, they began to look at the menu. Derek's eyes were fixed on the menu when he felt Meredith's foot move up and down his leg. Derek smirked and he looked up at Meredith who was still scanning the menu. Meredith felt his eyes on her and she looked up at him, her seductive green eyes with smokey eyeshadow looking at him suddenly made his pants tighter. Derek opened his mouth, just about to speak when the waiter interrupted them.

"Good evening I will be your host tonight, can I get you started on some beverages?"

Meredith placed her elbow on the table and leaned her head against her hand. She looked the waiter up and down and smiled, "I will have the merlot."

Derek watched as she flirted with the waiter, her charming smile and the way she bit her lip. The waiter loosened his collar as he grew nervous.

"I'll have the merlot as well," Derek said, smiling widely at the waiter.

"I will bring it out shortly," the waiter said, skuring away like a scared child. 

"Well that was fun," Meredith giggled.

"Was it?" Derek smiled, sarcastically.

"Jealousy is a horrible color Derek, it doesn't suit you. Besides I just made our meal a whole lot cheaper."

Derek reached across the table for Meredith's hand, he rested his hand on hers. "I love you," Derek smiled.

Meredith rolled her eyes playfully, "And I love you."

The waiter brought out their drinks and took their orders. While they waited for their food Derek and Meredith began to play thumb wars and never have I ever.

"Never have I ever slept with the opposite sex," Derek said as their thumbs fought for dominance.

"I... have."

"You have?" Derek said, raising his eyebrows.

"Dated a few girls, you mean to tell me you've never even kissed a guy?"

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