Chapter 24

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Meredith nudged Derek, "Derek wake up. Derek!"

Derek let out a groan as Meredith shoved him. Meredith shoved him one more time and he fell off the bed.

"What the hell is your problem?"

Before Meredith could say anything Derek walked over to the bathroom.

"Oh my god."

Meredith walked into the bathroom to see Derek looking at his face with his mouth wide opened. She stood besides him as he stood there in shock.

"We got married," Derek said, turning his head to face Meredith.

"We got married," Meredith chuckled. Derek smiled as Meredith laughed, he snaked his hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "Well you know what this means," Meredith said, adjusting the curls on his head.

"What?" Derek smiled.

"It means I need a ring." Meredith smirked.

Derek shook his head and smiled, leaning in for a kiss. They kissed quickly before Derek picked her up and spun her around. Meredith let out a laugh before Derek placed her on the bathroom sink. He stood in between her legs and tried to kiss her again but was interrupted by her finger on his lips.

"You stink," Meredith said before pecking him on the lips softly.

"Oh I stink," Derek said, lifting her up from the counter. Meredith wrapped her legs and arms around him as he swiftly walked to the shower and opened the door.

"Derek-" Meredith shrieked as Derek walked into the shower and pressed her against the shower wall.

"You stink," Derek said as he pulled the shower lever and the water came down on them.

"Derek!" Meredith laughed as their clothes grew wet and see through under the shower head. Derek laughed as he caressed her wet cheek with one hand as the other held her body up. Meredith moved strands of wet hair and looked into his eyes. Derek smiled and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Meredith deepened the kiss, gently grazing his bottom lip with her tongue. Derek opened his mouth wider, letting her tongue penetrate his mouth. Derek pressed his hips against her with more force, her back pressed against the wall. Meredith dropped one leg onto the floor, the other still wrapped around his waist. Derek's hand travelled to her thigh, gripping her thigh. Meredith let out low moans as Derek's lips moved down her neck, her hands gripped his curls. Meredith dropped her other leg onto the floor, she looked into Derek's eyes as she took her dress off slowly. She unclasped her bra and took off her panties, still not breaking eye contact. She threw her clothes outside of the shower, Derek leaned back in to kiss her but she stopped him.

"You stink, you need a shower." Meredith said as she stepped under the water.

"You're a tease," Derek laughed, undoing his shirt buttons.

"No that's payback for making my clothes soaking wet."

"Derek tossed his clothes outside of the shower and moved under the water too. Meredith reached for her shampoo, about to put shampoo on her hand when Derek grabbed the bottle. Derek squeezed shampoo on his hand and began to lather it into her hair. He massaged her scalp, Meredith threw her head back as he scratched every nerve. Meredith rinsed her hair as Derek washed his.

Meredith and Derek packed their stuff and headed to the airport with Mark and Lexie.

Meredith and Derek sat next to each other on the plane. Meredith grabbed her earphones out of her bag. She plugged into her earphone jack and began to put her earbuds in her ear. Meredith leaned against the window when Derek grabbed an earbud and put it into his ear. Meredith smiled as Derek heard the song she was playing. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her, letting her rest his head on his shoulder.

"Under my umber- ella ella ay ay ay," Meredith and Derek whispered to each other as they listened to the song through the earbuds.

The plane landed and Meredith and Derek drove separately to her house.

"Are you sure you don't want to go home? You don't have to stay with me, aren't you exhausted?" Meredith asked him

"I don't mind, plus I would much rather relax with you than by myself." Derek got into bed with Meredith, pulling her close and resting his head in the warm nook of her neck. Their legs intertwined in the sheets and the room was silent.

"Do you want to move in.... Here.... With me?" Meredith asked Derek nervously.

Derek backed away from her neck and looked up at her, "Wha- are you serious?"

"Yeah, why? Do you not want to?" Meredith covered her face with her hands.

"Meredith," Derek chuckled, pulling Meredith's hands away from her face. "I would love to move in with you."

"Okay, good."

"Good," Derek smiled.

"Great," Meredith leaned in for a kiss. Derek laid a soft kiss on her lips and buried his face in her neck once again, they drifted off into sleep in each others arms.

A/N: Short chapter I know. I had writers block but I still wanted to update. Thanks for reading!

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