Chapter 22

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The morning

Derek decided to take a shower while Meredith slept. He got out of the shower and changed in the bathroom. Derek opened the bathroom door, he was surprised to see Meredith awake and dressed. Meredith turned around to face Derek, she glared at him. She was still mad about last night and frankly, so was he. Meredith walked past Derek and brushed her teeth, she grabbed her small purse before walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" Derek asked.

"Coffee with Nathan," Meredith snarkily responded. She pulled open the door and walked out. Rage waved over Derek's body. Coffee!? With Nathan!? Derek was upset at how much it was bothering him. He didn't want to be jealous. He didn't want to still be in love with her.

Meredith was enjoying coffee with Nathan. They were sitting at a small table at a cafe in the hotel. He was sarcastic, confident, and completely charming. He could make anyone laugh, especially Meredith. They were finishing their coffee date when Meredith got a text message from Lexie. "We're going to the club upstairs tonight at 9 if you want to come." Meredith read the message and looked up at Nathan.

"Well it was really nice to see you and get to know you," Nathan said, giving Meredith a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey Nathan, my friends and I are going to the club upstairs at 9. Do you want to join us?" Meredith asked Nathan.

"I'll meet you there," Nathan winked at Meredith as he walked towards the elevator.

Meredith got ready in Lexie's room and Mark got ready in Derek's. They all met at the line outside of the club. Mark kissed Lexie and told her how gorgeous she looked. Meredith looked amazing, but Derek couldn't tell her that. Meredith was dressed in a black dress that hugged her frame, black heels, and darker makeup that Derek rarely got to see her wear. Meredith wore red lipstick and Derek couldn't stop staring at her lips. She was stunning. Derek looked her up and down slowly, his eyes suddenly widened when he saw a pair of hands slide around her waist.

"You came!" Meredith gasped. Nathan kissed her cheek.

"I hope it's okay I invited him," Meredith added.

"Not at all," Lexie smiled nervously. The bouncer finally let them into the loud club. As they were walking to a small booth in the back of the club, Derek pulled Mark aside.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Derek asked Mark. Mark shrugged his shoulders and they walked towards the booth. Lexie and Meredith had already ordered shots. A few rounds of shots and they were already tipsy.

"Come on let's go dance," Meredith yelled over the loud music. Meredith pulled Nathan out to the dance floor. Lexie and Mark followed. Derek watched Meredith from the booth, how her body moved to the music. Her arms around Nathan's shoulders, her body swaying. Derek had to take his mind off of her, he walked to the bar and ordered a single malt scotch. Derek downed his drink, a young woman caught his eye. The young woman seductively made her way over to Derek.

"Want to dance," the young woman asked.

"I do," Derek smiled, taking her hand. They walked onto the dance floor and the woman immediately pressed her body onto him. The lights strobed. The music was loud. Derek danced with the young woman and finally Meredith caught his eyes again. She was still in the same position as before. Her hips moved seductively and it aroused him. Meredith finally looked up and made eye contact with Derek from across the dance floor. It was like they were both in slow motion as their eyes sent them into a trance. Both of their bodies, still moving to the music. Suddenly a song started playing. A song that was familiar to the both of them. Meredith's body started to move slower as her heart sank.

"Under my umber- ella ella ella ay ay ay," the music rang through the club. Meredith looked up at Nathan, her eyes beginning to water. Meredith ran out of the club. Derek watched her as she ran out, he didn't know if it was best to run after her or not.

Meredith got out of the elevator, her heart racing. She pulled the room card out of her bra, there was no way she was going to carry a purse all night. Meredith opened the door and entered the room. Meredith kicked off her heels and sat on the bed, her body sank. Everything sucked. Why did she think it was a good idea to come to vegas? A tear fell down Meredith's face. A knock on the door startled her. Meredith got up cautiously and wiped her face before opening the door. She opened the door and standing there was Derek, out of breath.

"Meredith," he whispered, breathily.

"Der-" Before Meredith could finish, Derek placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. He kissed her deeply, his hands tangling in her hair.

Derek stepped inside, Meredith pushed the door closed. His tongue grazed her bottom lip gently, begging for entrance. Meredith opened her mouth, granting him access. Derek's hands traveled to her lower waist, holding her against him. Their tongues collided. Soft moans escaped their mouths. Meredith pushed Derek against the hotel door, she unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off of him. Their lips still connected. Derek's hands moved to the bottom of her dress, pulling it over her head. Meredith yelped as Derek lifted her up, her legs wrapped around his waist. They made their way to the bed, their lips still connected in a passionate lock.

Derek laid her down on the bed gently. His lips disconnected from hers as they moved to her neck. Derek intertwined their fingers and pinned her hands down on both sides of her head. He kissed down her body slowly, taking his time. Meredith closed her eyes as the sensation of his lips on her skin took over her. His lips reconnected with hers, his body hovering over hers. Meredith pulled herself up and her hands gripped his belt. Meredith looked into his eyes as she undid his belt. Derek watched as his pants and boxers hit the floor, he kicked them off. Meredith began to stroke his now freed erection with her hand. Meredith flicked her hair back as her mouth met the tip of his shaft. Meredith kissed his tip before taking him into her mouth. She moved up and down his length before pulling away, teasing him. Derek smirked and leaned down to meet her lips again. As Meredith laid back down Derek unbuttoned her bra. His lips moved to her erect nipples, taking them into his mouth. Paying the same amount of attention to each one.

"Derek," Meredith breathed. Derek knew it was time.

Derek's fingers traced the cloth of her panties. He slowly moved them down her legs. Derek threw them on the floor and his hands moved to her vagina. Their lips connected once again. He rubbed her length, feeling how wet she was. Without warning Derek entered her. Their mouths opened against each other as Meredith adjusted to his size. Derek plunged into her again. At first keeping a steady pace but as her moans increased so did his thrusts. Derek felt pleasure overcome his body. He spread Meredith's legs open wider. Gripping the side of them. Meredith felt Derek's penis harden inside of her. Her walls began to strangle his length. Derek felt as her legs began to shake. He thrusted into her harder and faster. Meredith let out one last moan before she released all over Derek's shaft. Derek plunged into her one more time and he released into her. His legs gave out and he collapsed on the side of her. The room filled with the sound of their breath, both of them panting. Meredith looked over at Derek. His hand made its way to hers, their fingers intertwined.

"I love you," Derek whispered. Their eyes looking into each other.

"I love you," Meredith smiled.

A few rounds of sex later and they were both tired. Derek's back was pressed against the headboard and Meredith laid against his chest. Both of them eating room service, wrapped in bed sheets while watching cartoons on the tv. Meredith began to giggle to herself.

"What?" Derek laughed.

"Nothing just, I should've known this would happen. We are in Vegas." Meredith chuckled. She sat next to Derek against the headboard. Meredith grabbed Derek's hand.

"Crazy things do happen here." Derek looked down at their hands. There was no place he would rather be. He finally had her. They were finally where they were meant to be.

"Marry me," Derek blurted out.

"What?" Meredith chuckled, looking into his blue eyes.

"Marry me."

To be continued....

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