Chapter 23

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*continued from last chapter*

Meredith sat up in front of Derek and looked at him, realizing he wasn't kidding.

"What?" Meredith asked one last time. This time she was serious.

"Meredith, marry me. Right here in Vegas." Derek sat up and grabbed her hands. Meredith was at a loss for words.

"Meredith, I love you. There is no one I'd rather be with."

Meredith looked at their hands, "What if things get bad and we're married and you leave?"

Derek tightened the grip on her hands, "Meredith I'm not going to grow a beard and run off into the woods again. I love you and want to spend every minute of every day with you. Marry me."

Meredith looked up from their hands. She looked into his deep blue eyes, "Yes."

Derek's eyes widened, "Yes?"

"Yes," Meredith nodded her head and pulled Derek into a kiss. Their lips touched and their bodies sank.

"Okay let's go," Derek said, pulling her out of bed.

"Where?" Meredith asked.

"Let's go get married."

"What now?" Meredith laughed.

"Well we should probably get dressed first," Derek said, finding his pants.

Meredith got dressed in the bathroom while Derek got dressed in the bed room. Derek was dressed in black dress pants and a white button up shirt. He was putting on his tie when he heard the bathroom door open. Derek turned around to see Meredith in a white summer dress and white strappy heels. The loose curls in her hair bounced as she made her way to Derek.

"You look beautiful," Derek said as Meredith fixed his tie.

"You look very handsome," Meredith said as she planted a soft kiss on his lips. Derek smiled and grabbed Meredith's hand, leading her out of the hotel room. Derek sighed as he realized they didn't have the keys to the rental car.

"What's wrong?"

"We, we don't have the keys," Derek responded. Meredith tilted her head looking into Derek's sad eyes.

"Well let's go get them," Meredith said, pulling Derek.

Meredith led them to Mark and Lexie's room. Meredith knocked on their door, hoping they were awake.

"Who is it," Lexie groaned.

"It's Meredith, we need to borrow the car."

"Who's we?" Lexie yelled from the other side of the door.

"Derek and I."

"Where in the world would you guys possibly be going at 1am?" Lexie questioned.

"We're getting married."

The door opened quickly, "You're what!?"

"We're getting married, want to come?" Derek asked with a big goofy smile on his face. Lexie looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Wait here," Lexie said, closing the door and heading back into the room. Footsteps soon approached the door. 

"You're what?" Mark said peeking his head out the door.

Meredith rolled her eyes, "Can we please just have the keys to the car."

"We're coming, hold on." Lexie said, closing the door. Meredith and Derek looked at eachother confused. Minutes later and the door opened again.

"Let's go," Lexie said with a big smile on her face. Meredith smiled in relief.

They got into the car and began to drive to the nearest chapel.


Before they knew it Meredith and Derek were standing hand and hand in front of an officiant dressed as Elvis. Mark was behind Derek, of course as his best man and Lexie was behind Meredith holding a fake bouquet the wedding bundle came with.

"Will you, Derek Shepherd, have Meredith Grey to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort and keep her and forsaking all remain true to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Derek smiled.

"Will you, Meredith Grey, have Derek Shepherd to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him and forsaking all remain true to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Meredith smiled.

"By the power invested in me and the Chapel of Elvis, I pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

Meredith and Derek smiled brightly as they leaned in for a kiss. Their lips touched and they were where they were meant to be. Well they probably weren't meant to be getting married by an Elvis officiant in Las Vegas at 2am but it was perfect. Anywhere with the two of them was just... perfect.

Lexie and Mark began to cheer and throw flower petals at them. Meredith and Derek ran to the car while Lexie and Mark grabbed their marriage papers. Derek wrapped the car around to the front of the chapel.

"Get in," Derek yelled. Mark and Lexie got into the car and Derek began to drive. They drove through the city with the windows rolled down.

"I'm married!" Meredith yelled, poking her head out the window. Meredith got back into the car and kissed Derek while he tried to keep his eyes on the road. They stopped at a liquor store for tequila, several bottles of tequila. They finally got to the hotel and they drank. They played beer pong and hung out. Everyone was happy.

The next morning....

Meredith woke up covered in polaroid photos. Her head was pounding and her breath smelled like alcohol. Meredith looked at Derek who was passed out at the end of the bed with "just married" written across his forehead.

Meredith smacked her forehead in disbelief, "What did we do?"

A/N: I'm sorry it took me a while to get this chapter uploaded. It was supposed to go up yesterday but I had no time to finish it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Your guys comments are so funny and honestly make my day. Don't forget to vote and thank you for reading!

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