Chapter 9

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Meredith relished in Derek's pain. She spent every hour of everyday teasing him. Walking around in her underwear or without a bra, brushing up against him any chance she got. Meredith was abusing her power she knew she had over him. Two can play that game. Meredith was reading the newspaper, laying down on the couch. Derek had gone to take a shower. Derek opened the bathroom door. Meredith looked up from her newspaper and her eyes widened. Derek was walking around completely naked. Meredith quickly put her hand up to her eyes.

"Derek! What the hell!"

Derek smacked his hand against his forehead, acting dumb. "Oh sorry, I forgot my clothes." Derek grabbed his clothes from the bathroom and put them on. Meredith lowered her finger, peeking. Derek finished getting dressed.

"Are you ready?" Derek asked. Meredith looked amazing. Her hair was curly, beach waves. She wore a black shirt, showing just the right amount of cleavage that drove Derek crazy. And black jeans that hugged her tight ass perfectly.

"Yeah," Meredith responded, walking out of the trailer. She felt Derek's eyes on her. Meredith smirked, she loved to drive him crazy. Derek drove both of them to work. Apart from the sexual tension living in the trailer has been fun. She was like his best friend, he loved being around her at all times. He was practically glued to her hip. Driving to work together was always a plus. Working with each other was also fun. Some nights they would stay late with Mark and Lexie, cleaning. Sometimes they would blast music when the bar was empty and they would dance.


Derek was working behind the bar serving drinks. Meredith was waiting tables. There was one table of guys that could not keep their eyes off of her, Derek noticed because he couldn't keep his eyes off Meredith either.

"Alright boys here is your check, have a great night," Meredith said. She tried to walk away but one of the guys grabbed her hand before she could get too far.

"Thank you for the check sweetheart. I was just wondering if you're... single," the man said winking at Meredith. Derek rolled his eyes. Sweetheart? You've got to be kidding me. The man was handsome, someone Meredith could definitely use to make Derek jealous.

"I am," Meredith responded.

"Well in that case, I lost my phone number and I was wondering if I could have yours?"

Derek was throwing up in his mouth. Seriously is that the best thing you can come up with?

"Are you flirting with me?" Meredith asked the handsome stranger.

"Would that be wrong?" He smirked. Meredith smiled, shaking her head. Meredith lifted her head up to his ear, she whispered something into his ear and walked to the bar. The handsome man left with a smirk on his face.

"What was that about? You flirt with customers now?" Derek asked passive aggressively.

"What are you jealous?" Meredith teased, her body leaning against the bar.

"I don't get jealous," Derek scoffed, "Come on tell me what you said."

Meredith walked behind the bar to help Derek wash the shot glasses, "I told him he needed better pick up lines." Derek looked up from the shot glass he was washing and smiled at Meredith who was standing right next to him. Meredith then did the same. Derek was crazy about her. He knew exactly what she was doing. Derek bumped his hip to hers, playing with her. Meredith let out a giggle and they went back to cleaning the shot glasses.


Weather in Seattle consisted of rain and some sunny days. This night it was pouring, the sky roared. Meredith and Derek just finished their shift.

"Crap where are our jackets?" Derek asked.

"In the car," Meredith giggled.

"I guess we have to make a run for it."

Meredith found Derek's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Ready?" Meredith asked.

"Ready," Derek responded.

They both ran. Their hands in a tight lock. They ran to the car, laughing the whole time. Both of them now soaking wet. They both parted their ways to get into the car. Derek unlocked the car and they both got inside as fast as they could. They burst out laughing.

"Do you think maybe we could... stop at Jack in The Box for some tacos?" Meredith said, hoping he would agree.

"Yes we can," Derek responded. He started the car and drove to the nearest Jack in The Box. Meredith and Derek both ordered fries and a bunch of tacos. Meredith stuffed a curly fry in her mouth as soon as Derek gave her the bag.

"You just can never wait," Derek laughed, shaking his head.

"Oh be quiet," Meredith fed Derek a french fry. Derek drove. Meredith noticed that they didn't take the same way home. "Where are we going?" Meredith asked worriedly.

"You'll see," Derek drove. They finally reached their destination. It was beautiful. It was a view of the city. Meredith looked over at Derek who was already looking at her. Meredith smiled.

"Here eat your food before it gets cold," Meredith said as she gave Derek his fries and tacos. They ate in silence, listening to the pouring rain as it hit his windshield. Both of them full. Meredith reached for the stereo and turned it on.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen this is Rhianna's hit song Umbrella."

Derek let out a laugh, he looked at Meredith with the biggest smile on his face. Derek reached for the knob on the radio, turning it all the way up. He opened up his door and got out. Meredith knew exactly what he was doing. She got out of the car as well. They danced to the song playing from the car, the rain still coming down hard. Derek wasn't a good dancer but the both of them didn't even care. They shook their butts, they raised their hands in the air, they laughed. The light from the headlights illuminating the both of them.

"Under my umber-ella ella ella ay ay ay," they both sang. The song finished and they burst out laughing. Derek stopped to look at her, her laugh dying down. He placed his lips on hers. Kissing her with love mixed with adrenaline. Meredith kissed him back. This moment was perfect. Ed Sheeren's kiss me started to play from the radio. Meredith pulled away slowly and placed her head on Derek's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her waist and he hugged her tightly. Meredith did the same. Their bodies pressed against each other swaying from side to side, their hearts synced together, in each other's arms. They slow danced in the rain. Their love was made for movie screens.

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