Chapter 7

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TW: Violence/ Trauma

"You heard him," Derek says pushing Finn back, "Leave."

"Oh, look who's here. She doesn't love you man," Finn says mocking Derek, "I got to tell you man you're missing out. Smoking hot and she's great in the sack." Finn placed his hand on Derek's shoulder. Derek looked at the hand on his shoulder and lost it. He balled up his fist and struck it across Finn's face.

"Ah," Derek grunted. His fist now bruised. Derek had never felt so relieved in his life. There lay Finn bleeding on the ground. Derek brought his mouth to Finn's ear.

"Now leave before I kill you," Derek said in a deadly whisper. Finn got up quickly and sped away in his car. Derek made his way inside and found Meredith hiding behind the kitchen counter, crying. She was terrified. He crouched down to meet her eye level.

"It's okay. It's okay, he's gone." Derek said as Meredith wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug.

It was starting to get late.

"We should probably get going," Derek suggested. Meredith looked at him, nodded, and smiled.

"Call me if you need anything," Lexie said as Meredith and Derek walked out the door. Derek unlocked the car and opened the car door for Meredith. She got inside, he walked to the other side, opened the car door, and got inside. Derek was worried for her. All he wanted was for her to be safe, for her to be safe in his arms. He knew that she wasn't ready for a relationship with him. He understood that, but he loved her. Derek couldn't imagine a world without her.

"What's wrong?" Meredith asked, snapping Derek out of his thoughts.

"N nothing," he reassured Meredith. Not wanting to worry her. He pressed on the gas and he drove to her house. The car ride was silent. Meredith loved Derek, she did. Being with him was amazing but all she could do was replay Finn's voice in her head over and over again. He was haunting her, she couldn't be alone in her own head anymore. Meredith knew Derek was worried about her, but not in the comforting way. He was like a helicopter parent. To him she was like a porcelain doll that could break any minute. He was walking on eggshells. Derek's car pulled up slowly to the front of Meredith's house. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Panic waved over her body. Meredith knew she had to get out of the car but she couldn't move. Finn's voice was louder than ever before. Derek saw Meredith's face turn pale and cold. Her breathing rapid.

"Hey," Derek said, grabbing her arm. Meredith jumped at his touch. She turned her head slightly. Tears in her eyes.

"I can't, I can't go in there. Not alone. He knows where I live. What if he comes back," Meredith rambled in fear. Her breathing rapid, her heart ready to jump out of her chest. Derek placed his hand on her cheek trying to calm her down.

"It's okay, it's okay" Derek said caressing her cheek, "You can stay with me in the trailer until you're ready." Derek didn't mind. He really didn't. Meredith sighed and nodded her head.

"But no funny business, this doesn't mean anything," Meredith pointed her finger at Derek, a tear falling down her face.

Derek chuckled, "No funny business." He smiled and wiped Meredith's tear from her face. "Since we're here we should probably get you some clothes." Meredith could do this. She wasn't going to act like a damsel in distress all her life. baby steps.

"Okay," Meredith said with a faint smile. She appreciated him by her side through this, no matter the circumstances of their friendship. They got out of the car and walked towards the house. Meredith walked slowly trying to avoid the house as much as possible. They reached the house and Meredith felt fingers intertwine with hers. Warmth flowed through her cold body and she felt braver. She looked back at Derek and firmly nodded her head, slowly pulling out the cold keys from her pocket. Meredith pushed the key into the lock, twisted the knob, took a deep breath, and pushed the door open. Once they finally got inside all the memories came flooding back. They looked around the room. They saw burnt chicken, beer bottles on the counter, and misplaced chairs. Derek started to see the true nature of what happened last night, and it shattered his heart. She glanced at him to show him she was okay, but in reality she was barely getting by. Meredith hurried into her bedroom. She grabbed a pair of pajamas and work clothes.

"You should probably grab more clothes," Derek suggested.

"I don't want to overstay my welcome," Meredith replied.

"You could stay as long as you want," Derek said with a smirk. She looked at him with narrowed eyes, she had already told him that she wasn't ready for a relationship. Derek had reassured her that he understood but it seemed like her request went from one ear and out the other.

"Okay, I'll get more clothes." Meredith knew it was a bad idea apparently her mouth had a mind of it's own. Meredith put her clothes and other necessities into a bag.

"Are you ready?" Derek asked Meredith as they walked towards the front door. Meredith scanned the house.

"Yeah I'm ready," They walked out of the house. Meredith locked the door and they got in the car. As Derek started the car, Meredith looked out the window. Her eyes glossed over and she felt a sinking feeling. Derek placed his hand on her to make sure she was okay. Meredith quickly turned her head to face Derek, snapping her out of her trance. Derek started to drive. Their drive to the trailer was silent, their thoughts were loud enough to fill the silence. Meredith and Derek walked into the trailer. The small trailer that was about to get smaller. It was suitable for just Derek but with the two of them and their sexual tension the trailer only grew smaller. Derek went to brush his teeth while Meredith changed into her pajamas. Derek walked out of the small bathroom to find Meredith in a t-shirt and underwear. His eyes widened, staring at her ass. Meredith looked down and suddenly she realized.

"Sorry, I can put some sweats on. I usually lounge in my underwear at home but I'm not in the comfort of my home. I can put some sweats on if you wa-" Derek cut Meredith off.

"No. It's fine," Derek protested. Of course it was fine with him. Meredith was in underwear in his trailer. He felt his pants tighten.

"Okay then," Meredith said, "Do you have some blankets I could use?" Meredith sat on Derek's small couch.

"You could sleep on the bed if you want," Derek smirked.

"Trust me it's fine. I don't mind sleeping on the couch," Meredith smiled nervously.

"Come on, sleep on the bed." Derek insisted. Meredith smiled at Derek and walked towards the bed.

'Thank you," She said kissing him on the cheek. Derek began to blush and he felt warm. Meredith got under the covers. Derek walked toward the bed and started to pull the covers open but Meredith stopped him.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked him.

"Going to bed," Derek answered her.

"We are not sleeping together in the same bed," Meredith laughed.

"Oh come on," Derek whined.

"Derek," Meredith narrowed her eyes, "I meant what I said." Derek sighed. He walked over to Meredith's side of the bed and kissed her on the cheek.

"You're evil," Derek grabbed some blankets and laid on the couch.

"Goodnight Derek."

"Goodnight Meredith."

A/N: I am so sorry I am so horrible at updating. I've been super busy with school but I will try to get more chapters out this tomorrow and more this weekend. Please be patient with me! Thank you so much for reading!

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