Chapter 31

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"Shh Meredith you're going to wake the neighbors," Derek whispered softly as he thrusted into Meredith. His hands gripping onto the sides of her waist as she stood on all fours. Meredith bit her lip as an attempt to suppress her screams. Meredith spread her knees further apart, which elicited a loud moan from Derek's lips.

"Who's being loud now," Meredith commented snarkily.

Derek's grip on Meredith's hips tightened as he pounded into her, both nearing their finish. Meredith's hands gripped onto the bed sheets, tugging at them as he thrusted into her hard and faster. Meredith's walls clamped around Derek's growing erection, strangling it until he finally released inside of her. Derek threw his head back as they both let out moans. Meredith's body went limp and so did Derek's. He collapsed on her back, both of them covered with a light layer of sweat. Their breath steadied after a while.

"I'm almost done with the house," Derek said.

"Really?," Meredith asked, turning to face Derek.

Derek moved so he wasn't crushing her, leaving just his head on her chest. "Yeah, just adding some final touches and we should be able to move in by the end of the month."

"That's perfect timing," Meredith smiled.

Derek tilted his head, "For what?"

"Nothing," Meredith said, "We should get to sleep it's 2 am."

Derek and Meredith got under the covers, he still wondered what she meant by "perfect timing."

Later that day...

"Derek don't forget your sweater! I'm not letting you borrow my sweater like last time!"

"I got it," Derek said, walking into the living room and placing his hand on her cheek, and kissing her softly.

"Ready?" Meredith asked, with a smile.


Meredith and Derek drove to the same place where they shared their first date. Meredith dragged him straight to the corn dog stand. They ate as they walked around, Meredith piggy back riding on Derek's back.

"Oooo let's go there," Meredith pointed to the photo booth. Derek followed her commands as it was hard to say no with mustard on the corner of her mouth. Derek carried her to the photo booth and they both walked into it. He cleaned the mustard on the side of her mouth and smiled.

"Ready?" Meredith smiled.

"Ready," Derek smiled back.

Meredith pushed the button on the photo booth and the machine began to count down. Before the machine could take a picture, Derek placed his head on her shoulder.

"Kissy lips!" Meredith yelled. They puckered their lips and the machine took a picture. The photo booth began to countdown again. Meredith quickly squished Derek's cheeks and kissed his cheek. The machine took another photo. Meredith reached into her pocket and pulled out something in a clear plastic bag, handing it to Derek. Derek looked down at the plastic bag. It was a pink and white stick with the words pregnant in the little grey window. His head shot up and he flashed Meredith a smile. Meredith let out a laugh as Derek sat there smiling ear to ear. The photo booth began to count down and Derek quickly pulled Meredith in for a kiss. Just before the machine took yet another picture, Meredith held up the positive pregnancy test to the camera, just high enough to see them and the test.

"We're having a baby!" Derek yelled ecstatically, hugging Meredith.

Meredith pulled away from Derek's tight embrace, "We are having a baby!" 

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