Chapter 32

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"Derek," Meredith said as she squeezed his thigh gently, "Everything is going to be fine."

"I know," Derek smiled trying to hide the fact he was extremely nervous with a soft kiss on her lips.

"Meredith Grey," a young woman in scrubs called.

"Hi. Yes," Meredith said standing up quickly and extending her hand.

"Right this way," the young lady led them to a room. "Remove everything from the waist down and the doctor should be in shortly." The young woman left the room and Meredith began to undo the buttons of her jeans.

"Do you think it's a boy or girl?" Meredith smiled.

"I think it doesn't matter and we will love it no matter what."

"Derek, I know we'll love it no matter what. I'm asking what do you think it is?" Meredith said as she pulled off her jeans and handed them to Derek.

"I think it's a girl."

"You're wrong, there is totally a mini Derek in here," Meredith argued.

"There's a baby girl in there, I know it." Derek said confidently, placing his hand on the small bump on her belly. Meredith and Derek were interrupted by the O.B.

"Okay guys let's see your baby. Meredith this might be a little cold."

The O.B squirted gel on Meredith's stomach. Derek intertwined their fingers. The anticipation was killing him. The O.B moved the gel around with the ultrasound wand and up flashed a picture of a baby. The sound of the baby's heartbeat echoed through the room.

"Hey," Derek smiled.

"Look at you," Meredith smiled, admiring their baby.

"Are we finding out the sex?"

"Yes," Meredith and Derek answered.

"Congratulations, It's a healthy baby girl."

Meredith and Derek quickly turned to look at eachother. Derek didn't even care to gloat, he was so excited to have a baby girl.

"It's a girl," Meredith laughed.

After the ultrasound, Meredith and Derek headed over to Mark and Lexie's. This baby, their baby was everything. It felt surreal and it was all happening at once but they were happy. Finally everything was how it should be.

"So?" Lexie asked, waiting for Meredith to spill the beans.

Meredith rolled her eyes playfully and reached into her bag, pulling out the ultrasound picture and handing it to her. "It's a girl," Meredith smiled.

"Ah!" Lexie yelled, "Oh my god you're having a baby girl. Girls are the best." Lexie hugged Meredith tightly.

"Sophia will have a best friend to play with!"

Meredith laughed and looked at Derek. He smiled back at her while their eyes twinkled. Without any verbal communication they understood each other perfectly. They couldn't be happier. They were having a baby girl.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! 

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