Chapter 12

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Derek and Meredith arrived at Joe's for their shift. Meredith walked in with a bright smile on her face and flushed cheeks. Derek walked in shortly after with a sly smirk. Thank god Lexie and Mark were too focused on each other to even notice. Derek was unsure if Meredith wanted to keep them a secret. Meredith put on her black apron, she loaded the pocket with straws and put her notepad in the other. Derek shot Meredith a quick look as she walked over to take a customer's order. Mark finally stopped sucking face with Lexie and walked over to Derek behind the bar. Mark watched Derek watch Meredith.

"You suck," Mark said as he punched Derek in the arm.

Derek let out a shriek, "Ow what the hell was that for?" Derek punched Mark in the shoulder. 

"Don't punch me," Mark said as he punched Derek's shoulder again. "You're doing Mer."

Shock waved through Derek's body. He didn't know if Meredith was comfortable letting anybody in on the terms of their relationship. "What? No," Derek denied.

"Man. Everyone knows you are totally in love with her but nope, there is definitely something going on between the two of you. Like intimately."

Derek scoffed, "I- I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come on. The two of you in that small trailer, in the middle of nowhere, alone."

Derek brushed off Mark's comments, not wanting to reveal anything. Refusing everything that came out of Mark's mouth. Derek began to zone out as he watched Meredith wait tables, undressing her with his eyes. Meredith felt him watching her, he was totally infatuated with her. Meredith looked back at him, taking him by surprise. Derek quickly put his head down as if he hadn't been watching her the whole time. Derek felt her eyes on him still, he slowly picked his head up and looked at her. He winked at her and she smiled shyly. Meredith made her way over to Derek behind the bar, she quickly grabbed him by the arm.

"Derek can you.. uh... give me a hand cleaning the bathroom," Meredith said as she pulled him into the bathroom.

Mark and Lexie exchanged puzzled looks, Mark shrugged his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked as Meredith shut the bathroom door and locked it.

"This," Meredith pushed Derek against the wall and attacked his lips. Derek moaned softly as she kissed his lips passionately. Derek's tongue entered her mouth and she pressed her boy against his. Derek's hands wandered to her ass, squeezing it firmly. Meredith's hands that were tangled up in his hair moved down his chest slowly. Her hands slid over the bulge in his pants, rubbing it gently. Derek moaned softly, making Meredith smirk against his lips. Derek looked into her eyes, and she looked into his. Both of their eyes, full of lust. In a swift motion Derek's hands slid under her thighs and picked her up. Meredith giggled and wrapped her legs around his waist, her forehead pressed against his, her arms draped over his shoulder. Derek placed Meredith on the sink and began to kiss her neck as he moved in between her legs. Meredith moaned softly as he kissed down her neck, her hands sliding down his back. Derek's lips kissed her warm skin lower and lower, reaching the valley between her breasts. Meredith threw her head back and low moans escaped their mouths. They heard a knock on the bathroom door that startled them both.

"Is everything okay in there?" Asked Lexie with her ear pressed against the door. Meredith swallowed her saliva.

"Uh yeah we're fine," Meredith responded.

"Oh, okay then."

Meredith looked at Derek with wide eyes and started to giggle, Derek started to laugh shortly after her. Derek places his hands on her cheeks and pulled her in for a soft kiss.

"Help me down."

Derek grabbed Meredith by the hips and helped her down off the sink. They both fixed themselves so they wouldn't give themselves away.

"All right, we're all set. Let me go first," Meredith suggested.

Derek nodded his head. Meredith turned around and took a step towards the door when Derek grabbed her hand and pulled her in for one more kiss. Meredith kissed him back and smiled as she walked out of the bathroom. Derek took a deep breath, still processing what had happened in the bathroom. He loved her. She knew that. Did she? Being with Meredith was amazing, but he felt like she was holding back. Like she was scared of something. Derek brushed off his thoughts and stepped out of the bathroom. Derek walked back into the loud crowded bar, the noise snapping him back into reality.

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