Chapter 10

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They were standing there dancing in the rain. Meredith picked her head up and looked into his eyes, her body still pressed against his.

She smiled, "Promise me that you and I are forever." Derek looked at her confused, not sure what to say. "Promise me that this between you and me, promise me it's forever. That you really love me. Catching you that night in the trailer made me question you, doubt you, I lost my trust in you. Tell me that you really love me, because I still don't know if you do."

Both of them soaking wet in the rain. Derek looked into her eyes and brought his hand to her cheek. "I... I do love you. I love everything about you. I love the way your nose scrunches up when you laugh. I love your lavender conditioner that makes your hair smell like flowers, I love your small body that fits perfectly against mine, I love all of you. I'm sorry that I made you doubt me and lose your trust in me but I love you with every fiber of my being. I love you."

Meredith stood there in shock. Derek started to panic. What if she didn't love him? Meredith then smiled and kissed him, quick, gentle. She backed away from his lips and smiled, "I love you too."

Derek shook his head in disbelief and smiled as he leaned in for another kiss. They kissed each other deeply, with love and passion. Derek pulled away slowly, "We should probably get out of the rain."

Meredith laughed, "Yeah, okay."

They both got into the car and drove to the trailer.


"I should probably take a shower," Meredith said pointing to the bathroom.

Derek bit his lip as she walked into the bathroom and started the water. He waited for her, until she was ready. But being around her was torture, he wondered what her bare skin felt like on his, to feel her. Derek took off his pants and changed his shirt. He walked over to the couch. He was just about to make his bed when Meredith walked out of the bathroom, completely naked. Derek dropped his blanket and his jaw along with it.

"Meredith," He said breathly.

Her wet hair against her bare skin. Her body, absolutely perfect. A smirk painted across her beautiful face. Meredith's face lit up, "Oops I must've forgotten my clothes." Meredith laughed.

"So not funny," Derek chucked, still mesmerized by her body.

"Well you thought it was funny this morning," Meredith turned around, she put on her t-shirt and underwear. Derek walked up to her and put his hand on the small of her back, pulling her close to him.

"You're such a tease," He smiled leaning in to kiss her.

Their kiss deepened, Derek's hand traveled to her hips, holding her hips against his. Meredith's hand tangled in his dark curls. Tugging at them as his tongue moved into her mouth. Low moans escaped Derek's mouth. Meredith took that as her signal to stop. Meredith smiled against his mouth, "Goodnight Derek."

Her touch was agonizing, she excited him in way no one else could. Derek pulled away from her plump lips and loosened his grip on her hips. "Goodnight."

Derek began to walk to the couch when he was stopped by Meredith, "You don't have to sleep on the couch you know." Meredith got under the covers of the bed and patted the space next to her. "Come keep me company." Derek smiled and shook his head, making his way to the bed. Derek got under the covers and pulled her body against his. Spooning her, hugging her body tightly against his, holding her, loving her. Derek draped his arm across her. Meredith placed her hand on top of his. Derek buried his nose into her hair. Ah, Lavender.

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