Chapter 2

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Light beams through the blinds, waking Derek up slowly. He finally opens his eyes fully, the first thing he sees is honey blonde tresses laid across the pillow. Derek feels the urge to move but realises he can't. Meredith's head is tucked away in the nook of his neck, it fit perfectly. He looked down, his nose brushing against her hair. Lavender. She always smelled of lavender. Derek and Meredith's arms were wrapped around each other, creating the most perfect warmth between their bodies. There was no place he would rather be. Derek inhaled through his nostrils, taking in her lavender scent. The noise woke Meredith up. Meredith's mind was still foggy. She still was half asleep. She sighed and snuggled against his warm body.

"Ugh I have a massive hangover," Meredith said chuckling. Derek chuckled with her. Meredith's eyes finally start to adjust to the light. She looked up, and her eyes widened. Meredith jumps out of bed.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here? What are you doing?" Meredith yelled at Derek.

Derek startled says, "What do you mean? You asked me to stay!"

"No. No I did not," Meredith says in shock.

"Yes. Yes you did," Derek says.

"Wha- What happened last night?" Meredith asks, confused.

"Okay so last night your date cancelled and you drank wine, lots of wine. You were drunk so I drove you home, we stopped at Jack in the box, sang in the car." Derek says, trying to remind her. Meredith has a confused look on her face. Not remembering anything. Derek sighs, his night with Meredith only he could remember. Derek looks at her and then looks down. Meredith feels embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. Whatever happened I'm so sorry. I was drunk and I led you on. Did- did something happen? I mean between us," Meredith asks. Deep down she wished something did. Derek's head swarmed with thoughts but the only logical one he could come up with is to lie to her.

"No. Don't worry nothing happened," Derek says gathering his clothes. Derek rushed out of the house leaving Meredith alone in her room. What the hell just happened Meredith thought to herself. She sits on her bed, everything silent. Then suddenly she gets a message on her phone.

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