Chapter 34

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"Derek," Meredith groaned as Derek stepped on the gas. Meredith grasped her stomach as her contraction occurred again. Derek drove as fast as he could, trying his best to be as safe as possible.

"Derek," Meredith repeated.

Derek stopped at a red light and finally looked over at her. He was shocked when he realized she was laughing hysterically.


"Derek," Meredith laughed, "We're having a baby."

Meredith made it hard for Derek to keep a straight face, he began to laugh with Meredith. "We're having a baby," Derek smiled.

Another contraction approached and the light turned green. Derek stepped on the gas as Meredith yelled go. Meredith laughed uncontrollably in between contractions. As they approached the hospital, Meredith realized she should call Lexie.


"Lexie! I'm having a baby," Meredith laughed.


"I'm having a baby right now," Meredith laughed. Derek reached out his hand and Meredith placed the phone in his hand.

"Lexie, she's in labor."

"Oh, oh my god."

"I'll see you here," Derek said as he pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. Derek rushed for a wheelchair and helped Meredith on it, grabbing the baby bag full of things she would need at the hospital .

"Derek," Meredith giggled, "We are having a baby."

Derek found it impossible to not laugh, her laugh was infectious and he was overjoyed with the fact that he would be meeting their daughter soon. He pushed Meredith up to the front desk of the labor and delivery part of the hospital as she laughed.

"Meredith Grey, she's in labor." Derek said to the lady behind the desk.

"Wait there we'll call you shortly."

Derek pushed the wheelchair to the waiting room and sat in a chair.

"Derek," Meredith laughed, "I love you."

Derek laughed and leaned down to kiss her lips. He smiled brightly as Meredith tried her best to stop giggling. A few minutes later and a nurse approached them and led them to their hospital room. Derek helped her change into a hospital gown, the nurse came back and hooked her up onto a fetal monitor to monitor her contractions and the baby's heart rate. Lexie soon arrived at the hospital.

"Lexie!" Meredith smiled.

"Hi, how are you?" Lexie smiled as Meredith looked totally crazy, laughing and smiling as if she wasn't in pain.

"My contractions are 8 minutes apart and I am in a lot of pain," Meredith giggled. A contraction approached and Meredith groaned in pain.

"Where's Mark?" She groaned as her contraction passed.

"He's waiting for the babysitter, he should be here within the hour," Lexie said as she adjusted Meredith's pillow.

Meredith took a few deep breaths to stabilize her breathing to the best of her abilities. "Derek can you get me ice chips," Meredith giggled.

Derek nodded, planted a quick kiss on Meredith's head and went to get her ice chips. A few minutes later Derek came back with ice chips.

"Ice chips," Meredith smiled.

Hours passed and she was still in labor. Derek expected her to be an emotional wreck but instead she was a laughing lunatic. She was happy and it made him forget how nervous he was. Her smile kept him from passing out. Derek cuddled with Meredith on the hospital bed as she slept. He felt her pain as it was difficult for her to stay asleep as contractions came and went. Lexie had left to check on sofia. Meredith finally woke up and as he had expected she was all smiles. Derek was hardly asleep so he got up too. He looked at her and kissed her lips softly. Derek reached over to the nightstand, grabbed his polaroid camera, and quickly took a picture of her before she could look away. Meredith giggled until she felt another contraction approach. As her contraction grew closer and closer apart Meredith grew more exhausted. Her laugh slowly grew into groans of pain. Derek tried his best to comfort her, he couldn't bear to see her in such pain. Meredith began to sweat and groan as yet another contraction approached. The O.B came into the room and checked on Meredith.

"All right, it's time."

"What," Meredith asked, trying to catch her breath.

"Time to start pushing."

The O.B paged the labor and delivery team and prepped their materials. In the blink of an eye Meredith was pushing. Meredith screamed in pain as she pushed. The O.B told her to stop pushing but she was in so much pain. All she wanted to do was push and be able to see her baby. Derek held on to her hand, Lexie holding on to the other. The O.B instructed her to take a deep breath, then pushed. Meredith screamed, sweat forming on her nose and forehead.

"Okay push."

Meredith pushed as hard as she could but she was exhausted. She sank into the bed and felt defeated. "I can't, I can't do this."

Derek rubbed her hair with his palm, "You can. You can do this Meredith."

"One more push Meredith," Lexie smiled.

Meredith nodded and sat back up.

"Push," the O.B said one more time.

Derek buried his head in her hair as she screamed in pain. Meredith pushed for the final time and was met by relief when she heard the cries of her newborn child. Meredith fell back and closed her eyes.

"Would you like to cut it?" The O.B asked Derek.

Derek nodded his head and grabbed the scissors from the nurse. He cut the umbilical cord and the nurse cleaned the baby. The O.B placed their baby girl in Meredith's arms and a tear fell from Meredith's face.

"Hi baby girl, ." Meredith sniffled.

A tear fell from Derek's face as he touched their baby's forehead. Meredith looked at her beautiful face and smiled. She looked up at Derek and her smile grew wider.


"What do you think about Zola?"

"I think it sounds perfect," Derek smiled with tears in his eyes.

They had a beautiful, healthy little girl. Everything finally felt complete and perfect. 2 days past and they were ready to take home their baby. Derek held their bags as Meredith held their baby. They walked up to the front door of their dream house. Derek placed the bags down and unlocked the door.

"Welcome home Zola," Meredith smiled.

Derek walked in and wrapped his arm around Meredith's shoulder, holding her closely. Meredith and Derek took a look at their life and they had everything. The perfect life. Nothing had felt more right, more complete.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading ! This is the end of this story. I already have my first chapter of my new story uploaded it's called unattainable. I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you so much for reading!

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