Chapter 29

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7 months later...

"Hi, I'm looking for Alexandra Caroline Grey!" Meredith said frantically. Derek rubbed her back to reassure Meredith to calm down.

"5th room down the hall on your right."

Meredith ran down the hallway and stopped when she saw Mark. She walked past him and went straight to Lexie who was groaning in pain.

"So it's really happening, you're really in labor," Meredith said grabbing Lexie's hand.

"Yes I'm really in-," Lexie was interrupted by a painful contraction.

"Okay, breathe. Mark how many centimeters dilated is she," Meredith scrunched her face in pain as Lexie squeezed her hand tight.

"Last time they checked she was only 5 centimeters dilated."

"So it's going to be a while then," Meredith said, fixing Lexie's pillow.

Hours later....

"Coffee anyone," Derek said as he handed the tray to Meredith. Lexie was laid in the same spot, her eyes closed trying to keep her mind off the pain. Meredith walked out of the room and signalled Derek to follow her.

"I need you to get me a change of clothes, my tooth brush, and my makeup bag. Oh and a brush."

"Mer she's probably not going to give birth until late morning, you should come home and rest for a little." Derek said as he caressed Meredith's arm.

"No Derek, I'm not leaving. Just please get those things. Mark needs you too."

Derek went home and gathered her things. He decided to stop and get them some pizza and breadsticks. Derek arrived at the hospital and they all looked exhausted.

"Food," Lexie groaned.

"I got you breadsticks Lexie. I'm sorry but you can't have pizza during labor, I checked."

Lexie began to cry. Mark, Derek, and Meredith looked at eachother with confusion and worry in their face.

"I'm sorry guys I'm just so tired, and hungry. And I want pizza," Lexie cried.

Meredith looked at Mark who was frozen. She could tell he was totally freaking out the whole time they were at the hospital. Meredith's eyes widened, she tilted and pointed her head towards Lexie, signalling Mark to comfort her. Mark got the message and went to hug Lexie. He cuddled her and reassured her everything would be fine. Meanwhile Meredith shoved a slice of pizza into her mouth. Derek smiled as she closed her eyes and chewed the pizza. Meredith swallowed her food and looked up at Derek, she mouthed thank you and he mouthed you're welcome. Derek handed Lexie a breadstick as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

As soon as they finished eating Meredith helped Lexie move to a chair. Lexie was relieved to move but she was in so much pain. Meredith began to apply light makeup on Lexie. She pampered her and made her feel better. Lexie was so appreciative, Meredith wasn't easy to get to know but she was so glad she was able to know her. Especially after being neglected by her dad then her mother. Meredith brushed blush along Lexie's cheeks when a tear fell down Lexie's face.

"What's wrong?" Meredith asked.

"I'm just really thankful for you guys," Lexie said as she looked up at the ceiling, not wanting to ruin her mascara.

Meredith smiled and hugged Lexie.

"So have you thought of any baby names?"

"Yeah, we were actually thinking-," Lexie began to say before being interrupted by a massive contraction. Meredith helped Lexie move back onto the bed and the O.B came into the room. Derek walked out of the room as the O.B checked Lexie. 

"Alright mama, it's time."

Meredith's, Mark's, and Lexie's eyes widened.

"Wha- now?" Meredith asked.

"Yes, I will page my labor and delivery nurses, and we should be ready for delivery in 10 to 30 minutes."

30 minutes later and Lexie began to push. Meredith and Mark were on opposite sides of the bed, holding Lexie's hands. Derek listened to Lexie scream from outside the door. 10 minutes later Meredith opened the door.

"6 pounds, 5 ounces, and 20 inches," Meredith said with tears in her eyes. Derek wrapped his arm around her as they walked towards Lexie and Mark. Lexie was sweaty and out of breath, with a beautiful baby girl against her chest.

"She's beautiful," Derek said, "What's her name."

"We decided to name her Mark," Mark smiled.

Derek's eyes widened as he wasn't surprised Mark would name his daughter after him.

Lexie smacked Mark's abdomen and laughed, "He's kidding. Her name is Sophia."

"Sophia," Meredith smiled.

Sophia was taken for a check up and everything was fine. They brought her back down to Lexie and Mark. They were both so in love with their daughter. Lexie signalled for Meredith to come hold Sophia.

Lexie picked up Sophia and held her up to Meredith, "This is Meredith, she's your godmother."

Meredith smiled widely, "Are you serious? I'm her godmother?"

"Of course," Lexie laughed.

An hour later and Lexie was fast asleep. She was so exhausted. Meredith was sitting on a chair, holding Sophia. Meredith admired her as she slept. She adored her. Derek watched as Meredith looked at the baby. How she looked at her with so much love. He knew she would make a great mother. He wanted nothing more than for her to be the mother of his children.

A/N: Thank you for reading!  

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