Chapter 33

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Months later and Meredith and Derek were finally settled in their new house.

"Derek!" Meredith yelled as she struggled to put on her socks.

Derek ran from the other room and saw as the line in between her eyebrows crinkled. He watched as Meredith grew more and more frustrated.

"Help me!" Meredith yelled at him.

Derek sighed and slid the songs on her cold, swollen feet. He planted a soft kiss on her belly, covered with a white maternity shirt, he then helped her stand up. Meredith looked down at the floor and tears began to pool in her eyes, soon trickling down her face.

"Wha- are you crying?"

"No," Meredith lied, "Yes."

Derek rubbed her shoulder as he had gotten used to her mommy hormones. He had no idea why she would be crying this time.

"I can't see my toes," Meredith cried. Concerned, Derek looked at her face and laughed when he realized she was being serious.

"It's not funny," Meredith cried even more. "Also my boobs are huge."

"Hey," Derek stopped her, "I love your big boobs." Derek's remark only made her sobb even more. He hugged her tight and waited for her to calm down.

"I'm hungry," Meredith said, locked in his embrace. Derek pulled away from their hug and looked at her, totally not surprised when he realized she was also being serious.

"Jack in the Box, please," Meredith smiled.

"Tacos and fries. Got it." Derek sighed. He grabbed his sweater and keys, before leaving he leaned and placed a soft kiss on her lips and on her belly bump.

"Thank you. Best husband ever." Meredith smiled.

Derek drove to the Jack in the Box, got their food, and drove home.

"I'm starving," Meredith said as Derek placed the food in front of her.

"You ate an hour ago."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Meredith said, offended, as tears began to form in her tear ducts.

"Oh Nothing," Derek said as he placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her, trying to stop her tears from falling. He handed her her tacos and fries. Meredith's smile reappeared as she was handed her food. She bit into her taco and a moan exited her mouth.

"Thank you," Meredith said with her mouth full. They ate their food in silence, watching tv, until they finished their food.

"Is she kicking," Derek asked as he placed his hand on Meredith's stomach.

"She is," Meredith smiled. She placed her hand on top of his and guided his hand over her stomach. Derek smiled as he felt their baby kick.

"We haven't really discussed baby names," Derek said.

"Derek I told you, I can't name her until I see her face. What if we name her Zoe and she looks like an Emma. She'll hate us for ruining her life."

"Meredith," Derek sighed, "I think you're being a bit unreasonable and maybe... a bit..."

"Derek I swear if you say hormones one more time!"

"I just think you're being irrational and a bit emotional."

"I am not emotional," Meredith cried, tears trickled down her face and she had no idea why. "Well you know what I think, I think i'm tired and I want to go to sleep." Meredith said as she stormed off crying.

Derek followed, bringing her pregnancy pillow so she was comfortable. He helped her change as she was incapable of bending over. Meredith got into bed slowly, Derek followed soon after he turned off the lights. He draped his arm over Meredith, resting his hand on her stomach.

"Goodnight Mer," Derek said as he kissed her cheek. "Goodnight baby," Derek added as he buried his head in her hair.They both drifted off into sleep comfortably. At about 2 am Meredith felt a sharp pain, she tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but after a bit it occurred again, this time the bed felt wet. Meredith sat up straight and then she finally realised.

"Derek," Meredith whispered. She received a groan in return. "Derek!" Meredith shoved him.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked, startled and asleep.

"My water broke." 

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