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Thank you for reading my stories for such a long time. This is my parting gift to you.

TW// do not read before you've been insecure about yourself at least once AND/OR if you're under the age of 13


Falling is a scary thing, and the landing will hurt. But you will be able to walk again after that. And you will not be afraid anymore, because you've learned how to get up.


Quietly I stared at my own reflection in the mirror. I remembered all the times I had stood here picking out small parts of my body like dissecting a dead animal. Like the most diligent biology student I gave them names and described them, ordering the body parts in a neat little list. It looked something like this:

-Hair: too greasy at the top, too dry at the bottom

-Nose: too big nostrills

-lips: weird shape


-Boobs: wrong size

-Stomache: horrible to look at

-Butt: not round enough



Everyday I would check the list, see if anything had changed. Maybe add some new points. As I put on my clothes, as I walked my way to school, as I sat on my chair in class, I wondered what I would look like as I kissed a man, how my eyes would look up at him innocently, which clothes would make me look the most pure and sexy at the same time, how my boobs would look from his point of view as I sat on top of his dick. It had become an automatism. 

When I had sleepovers with friends we would confess our deepest insecurities. 

''Honestly...I think I should lose more weight.''

''My father sometimes looks at me in a strange he's a lion and I'm a gazelle. It makes me feel...uneasy.''

''My vagina looks different than those I've seen online...Is there something wrong with me?''

''I'm thinking of getting a nose job. I will have to sell some stuff to be able to afford it but...I really want it so bad!!''

''Sometimes I can feel my boyfriend touching know...there... while I'm asleep...I think it's a bit strange but I'm scared to make a fuzz about it...What if he doesn't like me anymore if I tell him no?''

''Everytime I think about sex I feel quilty and dirty afterwards...''

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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