Chapter 23

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Over the next few days, Y/N along with Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro continued to teach at the Academy, as they would teach in different classes. In each class they taught the children enjoyed the lessons as some had more enthusiasm than the others. As for Tahabi, he occasionally gets bonked on the head whenever he doesn't pay attention which was often. However, Y/N thought the class very precise and clear to the students which made all the lessons rather easy for them to understand. There have been times he gives them a very wordy lecture which causes the student to be utterly bored but in return, he would let them have some free time at the end of the day.

Y/N: That's all for today. Said as he closed his book. Study up for a test.

Class: Ok!!

He placed his arm under and started to walk towards the door. Before he left the classroom, he pulled out a small piece of pebble from his pocket and flicked it backward. The pebble smacked Tahabi right in the middle of his forehead instantly waking him up while leaving a bruise mark.

Y/N: No sleeping.

Tahabi: GAH!!! That hurt Brig bro!!

Y/N pulled out more pebbles as he looked at Tahabi with a super annoyed look.

Y/N: What was that?

Tahabi: Ugh s-sorry, Y/N sensei. Said sweating bullets out of fear.

Y/N looked at him for a moment before leaving the classroom. Tahabi let out a sigh of relief as he collapsed onto his desk.

Tahabi: Oh man, big bro is super tough when it comes to teaching.

Higan: W-Well he is a Chunin. Plus, he has been on a lot of missions from what Iruka Sensei told us.

Enora: He may be a tough teacher but he makes everything pretty clear. Said as she smiles. Even an idiot like you can learn from his teachings.

Tahabi: Oh shut up Enora!!

Enora giggled while Higan simply sighed seeing this. Y/N walked back to the teachers lounge as he Temari there along with Iruka both doing work at their desks.

Iruka: Oh Y/N. You done teaching your class for the day?

Y/N: Yeah.

Temari: Did you scold your special student, Tahabi? Said smiling.

Y/N simply looked at her before ignoring what she said.

Iruka: Hehehe, well he is a special case with Y/N teaching the class. Said smiling.

Y/N took his seat and worked on grading the papers.

Temari: Not big for talking huh.

Y/N: No.

Temari: You sure liked to talk when teaching the class. Why not talking a bit outside of class.

Y/N: Bothersome.

Temari chuckled as Iruka smiled.

Iruka: We have something plan later on this week and we'll be needing you two to help us with it.

Temari: Are Gaara and Kankuro doing something?

Iruka: Yes. They'll be helping the other teachers with a different activity.

Y/N: Which classes?

Iruka: It'll be the classes you two are teaching along with the one I'm teaching.

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