Chapter 3

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Rock Lee and Y/N clashed back and forth fighting hand to hand while Guy, Neji, and Tenten watched from a distance. The two of them dashed back and forth as Lee threw several punches and kicks which put Y/N on the defensive. Blocking each kick and punch, Y/N felt the amount of power was behind each of them making him very cautious of finding the right time to counter-attack.

Tenten: He's able to keep Lee pretty well.

Guy: Kehira trained him so he's able to keep up for the most part.

Lee dashed towards Y/N as he unleashed a technique.

Lee: Leaf Hurricane!!!

Y/N quickly guarded the attack as he blocked the attack as he skidded for a good distance. When he stopped, his arms were rather sore as he kept his hands up despite the pain. Lee landed on the ground, as he looked at Y/N while taking his stance.

Lee: Impressive. You can keep up while still blocking my attacks.

Y/N lowered his hands slightly as he looked at Lee through his mask. 

Y/N 'thought': Quick and fast fighting style. Judging by his fighting style, he probably doesn't the ability to use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. Interesting. Let's see how he does against this.

Y/N leaped high into the air which caught their attention. He quickly formed hand signs as he prepared to use his Fire-style justsu.

Y/N: Katon: Gōgakyu no Jutsu!

A rather large fireball appeared as it slowly descended towards Lee.

Tenten: He can use Fire Style Jutsu?!

Neji: Rather impressive that he can manage fire style though it's nothing to be surprised about.

Lee avoided the attack as it crashed into the ground. In an instant, Y/N appeared behind Lee spin kicking him as it sent Lee flying. Lee quickly recovered as he saw Y/N dashing towards him ready to block his attack. However, Lee saw that his leg was engulfed in fire which caused him to avoid the attack and jump back to gain distance. Once Lee got some distance between them he looked to see in his stance with his leg that was surrounded with fire raised.

 Once Lee got some distance between them he looked to see in his stance with his leg that was surrounded with fire raised

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(something like this)

Guy 'thought': Interesting. He can use his fire jutsu to wrap around his leg. Did Kehira teach him this?

Lee: How are you able to do that? Said getting to his feet. I never seen anything like that before.

Y/N: Fire control. Don't worry. It's not gonna cause anything major. Just some extra power behind each kick. Think of training weights.

Lee: I see. You use fire as training weights. Said as he smiled. This is certainly becoming a good match. I am happy to fight against someone as strong as you.

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