Land of Tiger

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After saying his last goodbyes to his parent's grave, Y/N Makkuro and Motori traveled through the land making their way to the Land of Tiger. The trip was rather long and treacherous as they had to pass through the Lands of Rain, Stone, Earth Birds, and Mountains. When they got to the Land of Mountains, it was the most difficult part of their journey trying to navigate through the mountains and not to get lost. It took them longer than what was expected to get through but they slow managed as they had to pass through the Fans before finally arriving at the Land of Tiger. They reached a high cliff just before the border as the three of them looked out over the view.

Makkuro: Just ahead is the Land of Tigers. It'll be about two weeks journey before we get to our location.

Motori: Jeez, I thought we would get here sooner but I'm not complaining. Said as he looked at Y/N. Are you doing alright? We've been traveling rather far with little to no breaks.

Y/N: I'm fine. Said panting a bit. This is nothing. Let's keep going. The sooner we get there the better.

Makkuro: Easy now. Once we arrive, it'll be a while before we can start your training.

Motori: Of course, that's not including what the others would say when they see you.

Y/N: I don't care. All I care about is getting stronger. If they got a problem with it they can just stay out of my way.

Motori: Hehehe, you got that right. Anyone who messes with you messes with me.

Makkuro: Alright. Let's get going. Said as he smirks. Though let's see if you can keep up with us Y/N.

Y/N: Let's go.

They leaped off the cliff falling towards the ground. Once they reached the ground they took off running at fast speeds. Makkuro and Motori started to gain distance from Y/n as he tried to chase after them. Needless to say, he was barely gaining any ground as the distance continued to grow bit by bit.

Motori: Hehehe come on bro! You gotta check up! Said as he laughed.

Y/N gritted his teeth in anger as he tried his best to catch up to them. Makkuro watched him try to catch up as he was judging on what would be the best method and starting point for his training.

Makkuro 'thought': Seems like he'll need to calm himself before we start training. Though that will be rather difficult. However, that won't be the issue as it'll be him being accepted by the others.

For the entirety of the trip, Y/N had to chase after Motori and Makkuro as best as he could. They traveled deep into the Land of Tigers until they came to a stop in front of a rather large forest. Y/N collapsed onto the ground trying to catch his breath while sweating up a storm. Motori knelt as he offered him his canteen. Without hesitation, Y/N snatched it from him as he chugged the whole bottle.

Motori: Hehehe, tired yet?

Y/N didn't say anything as he threw the canteen at Motori hitting him in the face.

Y/N: Shut it, flee bag. Said getting to his feet.

Motori chuckled as he picked up his canteen. Y/N walked up next to Makkuro looking into the forest before them.

Makkuro: This is known as the Fallsonee Forest. Once we enter this forest, you will need to stay close to us. Otherwise, you'll be lost in this forest forever.

Y/N: Fine.

Makkuro entered the forest with Y/N and Motori following close behind. As they walked through the forest, Y/N could sense this forest was vastly different from any other forest he has been in. He could easily smell multiple flowers, mushrooms, and various other plants around them. Wildlife here was abundant as there were dozens of deer wolves, and other animals all around them. Y/N was rather intrigued by all of this as he wanted to know what exactly is this place is. The further they walked in, Y/N saw that there was something up ahead which appears to be lights of some kind.

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