Chapter 24

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After arriving at the school, Y/N taught the class as he usually did until lunch arrived. When it was time for lunch, he headed back to the Hokage mansion after Trsunade requesting his presence. He arrived at the mansion as he knocked on the window getting Tsunade's attention.

Tsunade: It's open.

Y/N opened the window as he hoped through it.

Y/N: What's up?

Tsunade: I know you're teaching at the academy. However, I need you to go scout an area near the village. Apparently, we got shinobi from the Land of Lighting trying to spy on us.

Hearing this, his right index finger twitched.

Y/N: Land of Lighting?

Tsunade: That's correct. I want you to see where exactly they are what their plan is.

Y/N: Shall I eliminate them?

Tsunade: For now, gather intel but should you have to fight them, be sure to take one alive for question.

Y/N: Understood. Said as he thought of an idea. Can I bring Tayuya?

Tsunade looked at him rather intrigued by this.

Tsunade: You want to bring her with you?

Y/N: Yes. I'll keep her line.

Tsunade through about it for a moment before speaking.

Tsunade: Very well. Just make sure she doesn't try to do anything.

Y/N: Got it.

He vanished in a puff of smoke. When he left, Tsunade stayed quiet after seeing the look in his eyes.

Tsunade 'thought': I'll have to be careful not to send him on missions to the Land of Lighting. Especially with what Kehira told me.

Y/N leaped from the buildings as he arrived at Tayuya's place. He knocked on the door getting her attention.

Y/N: it's me.

The door remained shut until it opened up as Tayuya stood behind it.

Tayuya: The hell do you want?

Y/N: Want to have some fun?

Tayuya: Fun?

Y/N: Killing Shinobi?

Tayuya looked at him for a moment before speaking.

Tayuya: So I can go out is that?

Y/N: Under my watch, you can.

She looked at him before she shut the door. Y/N leaned against the wall as he waited. After a few minutes, Tayuya walked out wearing a different outfit.

 After a few minutes, Tayuya walked out wearing a different outfit

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