Chapter 27

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The next few days went by rather slow with nothing too exciting happening. After the night when Y/N told Karin his answered, she was really happy and had a lot more energy than usual which the others noticed. As for Y/N, he decided to try to learn the basic lighting style jutsu. Needless to say, learning lighting style was a very tough challenge for him as it took him several days just to perform a rather basic genin level jutsu. However, he was able to learn it but it did cause him to earn a few burn marks on his arms and legs trying to master it. Right now he's at the training field with several targets spread out over the field. He performed the hand signs as he started to practice his new jutsu.

Y/N: Raiton: Raikou Boruto no Jutsu!!

He held out his hand as a surge of electricity appeared around his hand. Before he fired it, he focused it on a target trying to hit it.

Y/N: O-Ok. Just focus and fire!

He fired a small lighting bolt from his hand as he tried to hit the target. However, the lighting bolt veered off course hitting the ground far past the intended target.

Y/N: Damn. Again!

He tried firing the attack again trying to hit the target but failed multiple times. Growing annoyed by this, he continued to fire multiple lighting bolts at the targets in hopes of hitting them. However, each time he fired, it missed the target by several meters. Eventually, he reached his limits as his hand went numb along with his palm having a burn mark on it.

Matatabi: You may want to relax for now. Don't want to burn your handoff.

Y/N didn't say anything as he walked over to the river and placed his hand in it. It stung a bit when he placed his hand in the water as some steam appeared as well.

Matatabi: You are quite reckless.  At some point, you'll burn your entire handoff.

Y/N: Won't happen.

Matatabi: Hehehe, if you say so.

After he kept his hand under the water, he pulled it out. His hand slightly hurt for a minute but he ignored the pain. He walked over to his stuff next to a tree as he treated his injured hand. As he was treating his hand, Kakashi appeared behind him.

Kakashi: Doing some training I see.

Y/N nodded as he clenched his hand tightly causing flames to appear around it. After a few moments, the flames vanished as his injuries were mostly gone. Kakashi looked over at the dummies seeing several burn marks around them along with a few trees destroyed.

Kakashi: Seems you were trying something different than before. Said as he looked at Y/N. Mind telling me what it is you were up to?

Y/N: Lighting style.

Kakashi: Lighting Style? Said rather intrigued by this. You've learn to do it?

Y/N nodded as he walked past him to his original spot. He performed the sand hand signs as he held out his hand.

Y/N: Raiton: Raikou Boruto no Jutsu!!

A bolt of electricity shot out from his hand and was flying towards the target. However, just as it was about to hit it, it changed directions as it struck the ground behind it on its left. Y/N grunted in annoyance as Kakashi was slightly impressed.

Kakashi 'thought': Fire, water, and now lighting style. At this rate, he'll be able to use all five styles of jutsu. He might become more powerful than the previous Hokage.

Y/N looked at his hand as he thought for a moment.

Kakashi: How about you call it for today. I need your help with something.

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