Chapter 58

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Y/N dashed toward the lizardmen as he clashed his sword against the lizardmen's ax. When their weapons collided, Y/N gritted his teeth feeling how much force was behind it.

Y/N 'thought': He's seriously strong. Way stronger than anyone I've fought so far.

The lizardmen shoved him off as he kicked Y/N in his gut. Y/N grunted as he skidded back a bit before stopping in front of Mei.

Mei: Are you alright?

Y/N placed a hand on his gut as he looked at the lizardmen.

Y/N: I'm fine. This is going to be rather difficult.

Mei: I see. Judging from its appearance, he's rather strong in taijutsu.

Y/N: Yeah. Along with being rather skilled with weapons.

The lizardmen growled at them as three more appeared beside it slightly smaller in size.

Mei: More of them?

Y/N: Tch, this is just great.

He created twelve shadow clones as they got ready to fight them.

Y/N: We'll handle fighting them.

Mei: I appreciate it though I can't leave you to fight them yourself. I'll handle the leader.

Y/N: Fine.

His shadow clones charged at the lizardmen as the two that arrived charged at the clones. While his clones handled the other two lizard men, Mei and Y/N started to fight against the other one. Y/N clashed his sword against the lizardmen while Mei tried to land a few hits on it. However, the lizardmen handle them with little to no effort as it was as though it was toying with them. As for the clones, they were handling their own against the other two but were slowly eliminated one by one. Mei used Water Style Jutsu attacks as Y/N got out of the way as it struck him rather hard. However, he was unaffected by this as he started to perform hand signs preparing to counter with an attack of his own.

Lizardmen: Water Style: Striking Water Spear.

Water formed next to his hand in a shape of a spear as he threw it at Mei. Y/N quickly got in front of her to block it. The spear connected with his sword but is formed on the other side, piercing his chest.

Mei: Y/N!

The water vanished as Y/N coughed up a bit of blood. The other two lizardmen finished eliminating his clones as they appeared beside him.

Mei: Seems like it's going to be tougher than we thought.

Y/N looked at the lizardmen seeing they were preparing their next move.

Y/N 'thought': Shit. Their water style is significantly different from than normal Water Style.

Matatabi: There is something odd about them aside from their appearance.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Isobu: The surrounding area. It's as though everyone has been put to sleep by some kind of jutsu. Seems like they didn't want anyone to know about their existence aside from her.

Y/N stayed quiet as he wasn't sure what to say.

Mei: Are you still able to fight?

Y/N: As long as I can move, I can still fight. Said getting to his feet. Something tells me that someone sent them to kill you.

Mei: What do you mean?

Y/N: No one is even awake. After that loud crash, shouldn't someone be here by now?

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