Chapter 35

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Morning slowly came to the village as everyone started about their day. Kehira and Karin were up as Kehira was making breakfast while Karin was setting up the table.

Karin: Guess Y/N is sleeping in. Want me to go wake him up, Uncle.

Kehira: I'm sure he'll be down in a bit. Food is almost done.

Karin: Want me to help?

Kehira: Sure. I appreciate it. Said smiling.

Karin helped set the table with the food along with Kehira. Meanwhile, in Y/N's room, he was awake as he held his mother's mask in his hands with a solemn look. He ran his thumb over it as he saw an image of his mother smiling at him along with his father.

Matatabi: If you ever want to talk, I'm always here.

Y/N: Thanks.

He got up as he slowly walked to his desk and placed the mask down. After that, he left the room and made his way downstairs. When he entered the living room, he saw Karin and Kehira sitting at the table.

Karin: Morning Y/N.

Y/N: Morning.

He took his seat as the three of them started to eat breakfast.

Kehira: You guys have anything planned for the day.

Karin: Well I have the day off, so I was planning to hang out with Sakura and the others for a bit.

Kehira: That sounds like fun. You planning on having some time to spar with them?

Karin: Maybe. Though I'm not sure yet. What about you?

Kehira: I have some work I need to do which shouldn't take long. Though Lady Tsunade might send me to teach at the academy for a bit.

Karin: Oh ok. What about you Y/N? Do you have anything planned for the day?

Y/N didn't say anything as he finished his food rather quickly.

Y/N: Thanks.

He grabbed his plate and carried the dishes to the kitchen.

Karin: Y/N? Is everything ok?

Kehira watched him place the dishes into the sink before leaving the room. As he left, he could clearly see that he was crying on the inside even after all this time.

Karin: Is everything ok with him? I have never seen him so down before.

Kehira: It's because of what tomorrow is.

Karin: Tomorrow?

Kehira nodded in response.

Kehira: Come tomorrow morning, he'll be gone all day.

Karin: Gone all day? For what? Is it a mission?

Kehira: Oh no. Nothing like that. Said smiling.

Karin: Then for what?

Kehira stayed quiet for a moment before he spoke.

Kehira: I'll tell you tomorrow. For now, let's finish eating.

Karin: O-Ok.

Karin started to eat her food but was still confused by what he said.

Karin 'thought': What's so special about tomorrow? Does it have to do with how Y/N's acting?

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