Chapter 55

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After doing shuriken practice, Y/N trained his three students for the rest of the day. Higan and Enora were rather exhausted from the training while Tahabi was just as exhausted but was still wanting to train. Some of the training he had them do was rather advanced for them as they would learn the lessons after graduation. However, Y/N didn't care as he trained them as if they had already graduated. Right now all three of them were on the ground utterly exhausted as Y/N was scratching the back of his head after finishing the lesson.

Y/N 'thought': I might have gone too far. Though they wanted to train so whatever.

Higan: I can't feel my legs. Said trying to catch his breath.

Enora: Same. I feel like I'm going to die.

Tahabi: Hehe, I can still go on. Said as he chuckled.

Enora: Oh, just shut up Tahabi! We're both dead tired!

Higan: I-I just want to sleep.

Y/N: That's all for today. We're done here.

Tahabi: EHHHH!?!?! I want to train more!!

Y/N: You can train all you want but you also need rest. After today, you all need plenty of rest.

Tahabi: No way! I can still go!

Tahabi tried to get to his feet but couldn't stand.

Tahabi: I want to fight you!

Enora:  You can't be serious.

Tahabi: I am!

Tahabi forced himself to his feet as he stumbled a bit. Y/N looked at him as he sighed in annoyance.

Y/N: You're acting like an utter idiot Tahabi.

Tahabi: So what?! Said looking at him. Now fight me!!

Tahabi charged at him as Y/N simply looked at him. He was able to out in a couple of steps before he collapsed. Before he could hit the ground, Y/N caught him in his arm as he looked at him.

Y/N: Dumbass.

He slowly picked him up as Tahabi had fallen asleep. When he looked over at Higan and Enora, the two of them had also fallen asleep as well.

Y/N: Guess they were all tired.

Matatabi: You did push them rather hard during training.

Isobu: Never thought these three would be so determined to train under you.

Matatabi: Well, they see him as their big brother. He spent a lot of time with them before they joined the Academy.

Isobu: That so? Just how did that happen?

Y/N: She can tell you later. For now, I need to get these guys home.

As he was about to pick up the other two, Iruka appeared.

Isuka: Seems like you had some fun Y/N.

Y/N: No. More like dealing with these numbskulls.

Iruka: I see. You didn't go too rough with them I hope.

Y/N: Who knows. Though Tahabi here is a damn nuisance.

Iruka: Well you know how he is. He acts a lot like Konahamaru.

Y/N: Yeah. Not to mention an utter idiot as well. Said rather annoyed.

Iruka: Hehe, guess you have to scold him.

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