Chapter 34

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After dealing with Ubimozu and tying up Amachi, they rested in the town for the night. As they slept, Y/N opened his eyes finding himself back in front of Matatabi's gate.

Matatabi: You doing alright?

Y/N: Yeah. Said getting up. I think I may have used a bit too much Chakra back there.

Matatabi: Perhaps. Though you manage to beat that water beast. Good work.

Y/N: You helped as well.

Matatabi smiled as Y/N saw that the seal was slightly burned on the corners.

Matatabi: You see it don't you? The burn marks around the seal.

Y/N didn't say anything as he simply looked at it.

Matatabi: It appears that the seal weakened during that last attack.

Y/n thought to himself about a few things, wondering about how this happened. However, he thought this was a good thing since the seal was weakening so Matatabi can be free in some sense. He leaped up into the air, hovering a few feet in front of the paper seal which got Matatabi curious.

Matatabi: What are you planning on doing?

Y/N: Well since the seal is weakening. Said as he smiles. Might as well rip this off.

He ripped the seal off which shocked her somewhat. Underneath the seal was a lock that slightly annoyed Y/N.

Y/N: Stupid lock.

Matatabi chuckled seeing his reaction.

Matatabi: Stumped by the lock huh.

Y/N: Somewhat. Though, it won't stop me. One day, this gate will be no more.

Matatabi: Hehe, I'll look forward to that.

Y/N landed back on the ground as he closed his eyes. The next time he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a room with the sun slowly starting to rise over the horizon. As he sat up, he saw that Shino was sleeping in another bed.

Y/N: Guess I was out after what happened. Yesterday. Said quietly.

He sensed that Ino was sleeping in a different room as Anko was somewhere else.

Y/N 'thought': Where she going?

Curious, he got off the bed and decided to follow her. However, he left a note on the nightstand near Shino's bed letting him know where he went. Once that was done, he followed where Anko went rather curious about where she was going. He sensed that she had taken a boat to an island which slightly annoyed him.

Y/N: Matatabi.

Matatabi: Sure. I'll lend you some chakra for a bit.

Y/N: Thanks.

With Matatabi lending him some extra chakra, he followed where Anko went traveling across the water. Meanwhile, Anko arrived at Jirou Island where she was hoping to find fragments of her memory here. After arriving on the shore, she hopped off and started to walk further into the island hoping to find something. As she walked, she looked around trying to see if she could find anything. While she walked she sensed that someone was following her as she threw a kunai in the direction where she sensed the presence.

Anko: Who's there. Said taking her stance.

As she stared off in the direction where the presence was, someone appeared on the tree branch behind her.

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