Chapter 33

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After they brought Anko to the shoreline, Ino placed a damp towel on her forehead to help with her fever.

Shino: How is she?

Ino: I'm not sure. Said a bit worried. She collapsed so suddenly.

Shino: I see. Said as he looked at Y/N. The ship carrying the payment set sail in the morning. We should get back to the inn.

Y/N didn't say anything as he was standing near the water looking out over the view.

Shino: You alright, Y/N?

Again Y/n remain silent while looking over the water.

Y/N 'thought': They have a hideout somewhere. The question is where thought?

Matatabi: You did send Bonta to find a cave on the island. Right now all we can do is wait.

Y/N was annoyed to hear this but knew that without any leads, it's just pointless to search.

Y/N: Bastards.

Ino: Hey Y/N. You ok?

Y/N: I'm fine. Said as he looked back at them. You guys head back to the inn. I'm going to find Isaribi.

Ino: Are you crazy! She's the Demon of the Ocean.

Y/N: Can you say that after seeing her expression? Said very annoyed. That guy she was with clearly sees her as nothing more than a lad rat. It's obvious she's being forced to do this.

Ino: I guess, but do you even know where to look?

Y/N: I don't. Said as he looked at Shino. Do you have any ideas?

Shino: Actually, I might.

Y/N: What is it?

Shino: There is an island out here that is the heart of all those people being taken away by spirits.

Y/N: Which island?

???: It's a baren crag where the demon of the ocean lives. Demon Island.

They looked to see Ankow as awake and had recovered.

Ino: Oh sensei you're up. Are you feeling alright?

Anko: Yeah, I am, but forget about me. There is something I need to tell you guys about the demon. This isn't some see create we're dealing with. Our demon was made in a lad, it used to be human.

This shocked Ino and Shino while Y/N remained unfazed by this.

Anko: That's right. A good number of people did vanish from the Land of the Sea ten years ago but it wasn't because of any demon. They were being snatched up and being used as test subjects. Experiments conducted by Orochimaru.

Y/N clenched his fists in anger as he gritted his teeth slightly.

Y/N: Damn bastard.

Ino: I don't understand though. Orochimaru and experiments? Where's all this coming from?

Y/N: Details later. Let's get to Demon Island. I smell his damn stench from here.

???: You're right along with one of your friends.

Anko: Whose there?

Bonta appeared as he landed on Y/N's shoulder.

Y/N: Bonta.

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