Chapter 50

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After they clashed their arms Y/N leaped back and into the air throwing multiple shurikens. Hashirama smiled as he avoided the as he threw a few of his own. Y/N deflected them with his kunai as he landed on the ground ready for his next attack. He quickly performed hand signs as unleashed his attack.

Y/N: Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu!!! (Fire Release: Powerful Fireball Technique)

A massive fireball appeared as it started to hurl towards Hashirama. Seeing this, Hashirama was rather impressed as he smiled.

Hashirama: Impressive. Though it won't be enough.

He formed a hand sign as a wall of roots appeared blocking the attack. The fireball collided with the roots burning some of them. Y/N saw this as he dashed towards him while still casting his technique. Hashirama kept up a shield protecting him despite Y/N getting closer as his fireball technique remained at the same strength. As he got closer, Y/N reached into his pouch as stoped casting his jutsu as there was smoke all around him. Hashirama stayed where he was as he waited to see what Y/N was going to do next. On his right, he saw something coming from the smoke as he turned his body thinking it was Y/N. However, it turned out to only be a kunai hovering as a bit of cloth was on the end of it.

Hashirama: A diversion.

Y/N appeared behind him ready to hit him with a spin kick. He swung his leg close to him thinking it was going to work but Hashirama blocked it just in time.

Hashirama: Quiet the tactic. Using the smoke as cover and using your kunai like that. Said as he looked at Y/N. Though it won't work twice.

Y/N: I know. Said as he smirks. Though it's not quite a diversion.

Hashirama: What?

Another copy of him appeared where the first diversion was as this caught him by surprise as was Tobirama.

Tobirama: The Shadow Clone Jutsu. So he knows that technique.

Ryker: That he does. Remember, this boy is from the future so whatever Jutsus he uses will be ones that will be created later on in life.

Tobirama: I see.

The clone struck Hashirama in his face sending him flying backward. He flipped in the air as he skidded on the ground to a halt. Y/N and his clones dashed towards him as Hashirama got to his feet taking his stance. They clashed as they started to fight hand-to-hand with Hashirama was on the defensive watching Y/N closely.

Hashirama 'thought': He's quite skilled. Able to use fire style and be able to create a clone along with creating a diversion. For his age, he is very intelligent. I better be careful.

Y/N threw multiple punches and jabs at him while his clone used various attacks using his feet. Hashirama blocked his attacks as he countered with attacks of his own. He took care of the clone rather easily as he started to get a bit more serious, putting Y/N on the defensive. At first, he was able to block it, but Y/N slowly wasn't able to block all of Hashirama's attacks. One of the attacks, struck Y/n as he was sent flying backward for a good distance. Y/N flipped in the air, skidding to a halt as he looked up to see Hashirama using his Wood Style to attack him. He leaped out of the way but the attack followed him.

Y/N: Long rang huh. Though I better cut them down!

He transformed his kunai into a sword and started to cut the wood. Seeing this, Hashirama decided to increase the number of attacks. Y/N continued to slash through the roots coming at him as he noticed the attacks started to come at a faster rate.

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