Chapter 14

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After leaving the town on a filled stomach they started to make their way back to the village. As they traveled, Y/N was in thought after the fight against Igaro.

Y/N 'thought': I got lucky when I fought against him. I need to be more careful when it comes to my next opponent.

Matatabi: You will need to increase your stamina as well. As well as your speed in order to react faster.

Y/N: Yeah I know. Maybe I can ask Guy Sensei to train me.

Matatabi: Just be sure not to overexert yourself.

As they continued to walk, Jiraiya decided to ask Y/N something.

Jiraiya: Y/N.

Y/N: Hmm? Said looking at him.

Jiraiya: I've been meaning to ask you for a while. What was that jutsu you used on Igaro.

Tsunade: I was thinking the same thing. It is quite an impressive jutsu.

Y/N looked at them for a moment before looking at Naruto who was walking ahead of the group a bit. He formed a hand sign as a fire paw grabbed Naruto's ankle causing him to face plant into the ground.

Y/N: Fire Style: Tiger Paw Grasp.

Naruto quickly sprang to his feet as he looked at Y/N very annoyed.

Naruto: The heck was that for!!! Said getting up in his face. Why the hell did you trip me!!

Y/N: For fun.

Naruto grew annoyed as Jiraiya laughed seeing this.

Jiraiya: Seems like he got you again Naruto. You're really slow on making an effort to get him back.

Naruto: So what! I'll get him back just you wait!

Tsunade: Very impressive. How did you create a jutsu like that?

Y/N: Training, and hard work.

Jiraiya: I think she meant how does it work Y/N.

Y/N stopped walking as he placed his hand onto his chin. They stopped and looked at him seeing as he was deep in thought. Naruto was a bit confused by why he did this as he folded his arms.

Naruto: What is he doing?

Jiraiya: Deep quiet Naruto and let him think.

After a few moments as Y/N snapped his fingers.

Shizune: You thought of something?

Y/N did the hand sign again as a tiger paw appeared in front of them.

Y/N: I made the flames take the form of a paw from a tiger possessing the strength of one without hurting the person.

The paw grapes their hands as they felt how tight and from the grip was.

Jiraiya: Interesting. Said as he smiled. To think, you created such a rather powerful fire technique like this.

Tsunade: I agree. Though it must've taken you quite a long time to create this.

The fire paws vanished as Y/N stumbled a bit before catching himself breathing heavily.

Tsunade: Not to mention it uses quite a bit of chakra.

Shizune: Are you alright? Said walking up to him.

Y/N: I'm fine. Said smiling.

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