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Long ago there were several tailed beats throughout the land causing destruction and chaos everywhere they go. Seeing these large tail beasts a threat, each of the great Nations decided to seal the tailed beasts into a host known as Jinchuriki. Each of the nations managed to seal the beast inside of someone as did a small village in the Land of Lightning did so as well, sealing away the two-tail beast Matatabi inside a newborn child. The villagers didn't give the parents any choice in the matter as their child was suitable to be their new weapon to use against the Reikage. The small village wanted to separate themselves from the mainland for their reasons however their arrogance will cost them their very lives. The village in the land of Lighting was called Lockinge located southwest of Kumo near the sea.

(A/N: Where the arrow is pointing to in pick above)

The child that was in the village Jinchuriki is named Y/N L/N. After the village seal the two-tailed beast inside him, they waited for him to turn the age of four before they started to forceable train him into their weapon. Each day that passed, they put him through hellish training and if he didn't meet the expectations they wanted, they would punish him by either beating him or not feeding him for days. His parents tried to plead to the elder however they ignored them and warned the two of them that if they tried anything, they will kill them without hesitation. Y/N's mother was shocked beyond words while his father was utterly furious about this as he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Right now, Y/N is laying on the floor of a cell that only had a small hole leading outside. The only thing he had to wear were old ragged, ripped clothes as his body had a few scars on his body. One of his eyes was swollen after the last trial as they demanded him to cast a fireball but couldn't. Sometimes the villagers would beat him with anything they had available at the time teaching him a lesson. He tries to sleep however with his injuries, it's hard to say if he was able to live long. As he cried silently in his cell with the moonlight shining through the hole in his cell, the sound of footsteps could be heard as he curled up in fear of it being another one of the villagers. The footsteps stop at his cell as he didn't turn to see who it was.

???: Hey. Are you hungry?

He slowly turned to see as it was one of the children from the village. She had shoulder-length blonde hair with blue eyes. Y/N quickly moved into the corner in fear as he didn't want to be hurt anymore.

Y/N: Please don't hurt me. I...I didn't do anything wrong.

???: Hey it's ok. I'm not here to hurt you.

Y/N: You.... won't? Said scared.

She shook her head as she placed the bag in front of her pouring out what was inside. Apples, fruits, and a few other things fell out as Y/N's eyes widen.

???: I snuck these from my house for you. Said as she smiled. Go ahead and eat.

Y/N: R...really?

???: Yeah. Said smiling. It's all yours.

Y/N looked at her for a moment before looking at the food. His mouth started to water as he quickly crawled over to the food like a tiger pouncing on its prey as he started to eat all the food very quickly. The girl jumped back in surprise seeing what he did. Y/N devoured the food stuffing his face trying to feed his hunger. She watched him eat all the food utterly shocked as he finished eating the last apple.

???: You must've been really hungry.

Y/N scooted away as he hugged his knees close before he nodded.

Y/N: If I don't do what they ask me, they punish me either by starving me or beating me.

The girl was sad hearing this as she picked up her bag.

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