Chapter 30

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They traveled back to Doto's castle where they took Y/N into the dungeon to be placed in one of the cells. An unknown amount of time passed by as Y/N slowly regained consciousness.

Y/N: The hell? Where am I?

When he fully opened his eyes he saw that he in a prison cell. He looked up to see that he was being held up by a chain with his arms raised above his head. He felt his legs were also chained as he grew annoyed.

Y/N: Tch, what a pain.

He tried to break free by using chakra. However, the device absorbed his chakra causing a painful shock to occur. Y/N shouted in pain until it stopped as he hanged there.

Y/N: Damn device. I swear Doto is gonna pay for this shit.

Matatabi: As long as you got that on you, any chakra you use will be absorbed.

Y/N: No shit. Said as he looked at the device. Though this isn't gonna stop me.

Matatabi: Hehehe, thinking of a plan?

Y/N: Yeah. Just give me some time.

He gritted his teeth as he slowly lifted up his foot. It was a real struggled as he had little strength to do so but he was able to do it. Once it was close to his face, he grabbed the razor blade that he had hidden in his shoe with his mouth. His legs dropped as he chuckled.

Y/N: Always think two-step ahead.

He heard something coming towards him sounding like footsteps. Hearing this, he quickly hides the blade in the jacket's collar and pretended to be unconscious. The footsteps came closer as they stopped not too far from him. A creaking sound was heard as he assumes that a cell was opened which someone was being placed into. The sound came again as did the turning of a key followed by footsteps leaving the area. Once it was clear, he opened his eyes to see Koyuki sitting in a cell directly across from his.

 Once it was clear, he opened his eyes to see Koyuki sitting in a cell directly across from his

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Y/N: Still mopping like a damn child?

She slowly looked at him seeing that he was annoyed.

Koyuki: Serves you right.

Y/N: Tch, whatever. The same goes for you, dumbass.

Koyuki: I know.

Y/N heard the change in her tone which confused him.

Matatabi: Seems like she may have changed slightly.

Y/N didn't say anything as he recalled what she said earlier.

Y/N: No spring. Said getting her attention. What do you mean by that?

She simply looked at him before looking away.

Koyuki: You'll see when the spring comes Koyuki. My father used to say that, but this land has no spring. Said as she hugged her knees closer to her chest. My father died. I fled from the Land of Snow and I stopped believing. I was always running, always lying to people. Though mostly I was lying to myself. My life has been one big charade. Becoming an actress was the only thing I was cut out to be in this world.

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