Chapter 16

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Kakashi trained Y/N helping him develop his Jutsu along with training him in Taijutsu. Y/N was exhausted with how Kakashi was training him along with trying to copy some of his techniques. He trained him for a few days before being sent on another mission. After he finished his training, he went into town to get something to eat. While he walked around the village, he ran into Choji who was eating a bag of chips.

Y/N: Yo.

Choji: Oh hey Y/N. What are you up to?

Y/N: Getting some food. Want to join?

Choji: Sure! I'm always in the mood to eat.

Y/N chuckled as he smiled.

Y/N: Always hungry huh. You never change.

Choji: Well you changed somewhat.

Y/N: Think so?

Choji: Yeah. I mean you used to be a rather silent jerk to everyone but now you're different.

Y/N: How so?

Choji: Well you're a bit more of talking to us. Not to mention, helping me train.

Y/N: A good friend helps each other.

Choji smiled as he offered some chips to Y/N. He took a few as they continued to walk. Aside from Shikamaru, Y/N was Choji's best friend who was always there to help him no matter what. Despite being rather secluded, the two of them got along rather well despite how they grew up. They walked for a bit before finding a grill joint as they walked in. Once they order their food, they set the meat on the grill and ate it after it was done cooking.

Choji: So, what kind of jutsu have you been working on?

Y/N: Nothing special. Just working on my taijutsu with Kakashi Sensei.

Choji: Really? Must be tough.

Y/N: not really.

They ate the food as the two of them had to fight over some of the meat which was a usual thing between them. As they ate their food, Shikamaru walked in seeing the two of them fighting over meat.

Shikamaru: Seriously. You two fighting over food again.

Choji: It's a tradition for us to do so. Said glaring at Y/N. The last meat is the most favorable one-off all and I won't let him have it.

Y/N: Neither will I Choji. It's mine.

The two of them stared at each other as Shikamaru smiled.

Shikamaru: You two are a real pain you know that. Then again, best friends fight over the most stupidest things.

The two of them went back and forth with Shikamaru joining them. They ate a fair bit amount of food which Y/N was able to cover for them. After eating, they went their separate ways as Y/N went to do whatever came to his mind. Whenever he wanted to he summon Banto who wasn't bothered being summoned since he enjoys being able to walk around with Y/N. Banto's personality was a bit laid back along with an intelligent one when need be.

The next few days went by rather slowly with nothing too serious happening. Y/N trained with Karin along with a few others in whatever way. He also trained with Zabuza with his sword along with Water Style. Zabuza was tough as he usually was pushing him to his limits daily. Each day he trained with him, Y/N slowly got better with water style as he was able to use a few more jutsu along with creating a few of his own.

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