Episode 16: "Draco Malfoy, he's the Slytherin Prince. And what are you?"

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"Hey, Y/N!" I turned around it was Cedric running towards me. "Oh, hey, Ced," I said with a fake smile. "Where are you going, the dance isn't over." "Oh, I'm so sorry, is it ok if we take walk instead I feel a bit...you know." "Yeah, of course, is everything okay?" "I don't know..." Cedric and I left the yule ball and went out in the school courtyard.

"What's going on, Y/N?" "I don't know, Cedric, I really don't..." "What do you mean, one minute we are having fun and dancing the next you go out in the hall and you look down." "I- I..." I sighed. "Cedric, I told Draco how I felt." Cedric looked shocked? "What?" "I told Draco I like him. I don't know what to do." "What did he do?" "That's the thing. He-I rather not talk about it." "Did he hurt you?" "No, he didn't, I mean I don't really know." Cedric and I talked for an hour before walking me back to the Ravenclaw common room. "I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N," Cedric said smiling. "Thanks, night," I said smiling, I gave him a hug and closed the door.

I sighed as I walked into my dorm. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?" Luna said from her bed. "Oh, nothing much..." I said walking towards my bed. "Y/N?" "Yeah?" "Well, Draco came earlier looking for you-" I cut her off as soon as I hear Draco's names, "Wait what? Draco?" "Yeah well, he-" "He what? Did he look sad? What? Tell me, Luna!" I said that as I kept holding her shoulders firmly and shaking her. "Y/N, calm down, if you let me talk I'll tell you, silly." "Right, sorry." "He told me to tell you to meet him at the astronomy tower at nine P.M sharp, Friday night." "Oh cool, whatever." I sat on my bed and deciding whether to be happy or nervous or sad, I guess I had a ton of mixed emotions. After all, Friday was two days away.

I woke up late the next morning. Not gonna lie I was nervous to even walk into the great hall. After all, if I show up late everyone is going to turn their eyes to me. I'm not ready for all the attention. I decided to walk to my first class and eat alone there.

"Hey, Y/N!" A voice behind me said. "Huh? Oh Hey, Ced!" "Where are you going, the great hall is over there." He said pointing in the other direction. "Oh I know Cedric, I just don't feel like socializing with many people at the moment," I said chuckling. "Ah, let me guess, you don't want to socialize with Malfoy, correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's what's it." He said laughing. He was right. I didn't feel like talking anymore. "Haha," I said sarcastically. "Well, Cedric, I'm off, I'll talk to you later, kay?" "Sounds good, oh and Y/N?" "Yeah?" "Careful...there are some blonde boys roaming around." He winked and ran off. "What a smart ass." I chuckled

I walked to potions class. Not a surprise, it was empty, not even Slughorn was there. I sat in an empty chair and took out some snacks I saved before. After 5 minutes someone walked in. "Y/L, what you deal?" I looked up and to my surprise. It was Pansy. "What?" "What. Is. Your. Deal?" "What the hell are you talking about, Pansy?" "Blaise told me he saw you and Draco talking in the hall alone, on the night of the ball," Pansy said as she crossed her arms. "Yeah we talked, so what?" "What do you want with Draco?" "I'm sorry, what?" "You heard me, Y/N." I signed. "Pansy, I'm not gonna lie to you, I like Draco and that's that." I turned away from her and pulled out my book to read.

"You know what, Y/N, I'm not even worried, you don't have a chance with Draco Malfoy, he's the Slytherin Prince. And what are you?" She walked out without another word. She was right. What am I?

A few minutes later passed and class started. The quiet classroom soon turned into a loud class. "Hey, Y/N!" Hermione said sitting down next to me. "Oh hey, what's up?" "You have no idea." She said pulling her book out of her bag. "Oh come on, tell me." "Well, Harry, Ron, and I were talking late at night in the library and when we were walking out we saw Draco walking out from one of the halls. He seemed a little suspicious." "I mean...I bet if he saw you guys walking at night too he thinks you're suspicious." "Oh, Y/N, don't defend him to much." She chuckled. After two hour class ended.

"Where you headed, Y/N?" Hermione running up beside me. "Hagrid's class." "Ah, care for magical creatures, neat, anyway, I'll talk to you later, Y/N, oh and we are all going to hang out tonight again if you wanna come over to our common room." "Sure, I'll see if I don't have anything coming up." I waved as she walked off.

At the end of the hall, I saw Draco talking with Pansy. I felt a pit in my stomach. I turned the other way and walked off. I ran into Cedric while making my way upstairs. "Oh hey, Y/N, where to?" "Anywhere but this hall, talk to you later." I walked past him to get to my common room. As I walked in I saw Luna and Nevile kissing on the sofa. "Woah! Sorry I-" "Oh my, Y/N, I thought you were in class." "Uh, I felt sick, so I came early, um, excuse me." I walked upstairs to my dorm without making eye contact with either one.

I sighed. Tomorrow is Friday. I wonder what Draco is going to say to me. I guess I can only hope for the best...

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