Episode 27: "Promise."

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I'm coming Draco. Hang tight. I love you.

Draco's P.O.V {6:55 P.M}

"You look very handsome, Draco." My mother said straightening my suit.

"Thank you mother." I didn't even try to give her a fake smile. No expression at all.

"What's wrong Draco?" My father said in his deep voice.

"Nothing. Everything is alright."

"Okay, Y/N better be here soon. Voldemort will be here any min-"

And just like that Voldemort, my aunt Bellatrix and more appeared.

"Ah Draco, how are you." Voldemort said walking towards me.


"Where's Y/N?" Voldemort asked. Okay now I'm getting nervous.

"She- she'll be a little late."

"Very well, in the meantime, let us sit. Lucias, excuse your boy, we need to have a meeting just us adults." Voldemort said. He's talking to my father as if I'm not even here.

"Draco, you heard him, head upstairs."

I nodded and left to my bedroom.

I sighed as I sat at the edge of my bed. "I'm going to die and the only person who will care is- I don't even know anymore."

"I would care."

I was so startled I pulled my wand out and pointed it.

"Y/N?" I stood up quickly.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Why would you walk away from me back at the hospital wing!" I said yelling as I walked up to him. Only two inches of space between us. I was furious.

"Why did you come?" Draco said looking down at me, into my eyes.

"Why did you come?" Draco said looking down at me, into my eyes

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"Draco, I love you. No one else. Not Cedric, nor Ethan. Just you." I said looking back into his grey/blue eyes.

He didn't say anything. He just kissed me. He cupped my face and just kissed me. I kissed him back. I put my hands on his hair as he just brought me close to him. The most passionate kiss I could ever have. He brought his hands to my waist as my fingers were moving through his blonde hair. I slowly pulled out of the kiss. Our foreheads still touching.

"I love you too." Draco whispered to me. That was the first time. The first time he ever said it. And it sounded like he meant it with all his heart. I gave him a peak on the lips.

"If I hadn't come, you would have died wouldn't you?" I said as our eyes interlocked.

"Yes but Y/N, you can't stay...I didn't tell you all the truth."

"Draco...Back in the bathroom when Harry shot his wand at you, I picked up some of your tears. While you were resting I went to Dumbledore's office."

Draco didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this." I said softly.

"I don't have a choice." He looked down.

"I'm going to do it."

"What?" Draco asked. Making eye contact with me again.

"I'm going to get the death mark."

"No, you're not. I won't let you." Draco said pulling me in.

"Draco...If I don't do this, he's going to kill you."


"Shhh," I shused Draco as I pulled him into a hug. "I had no idea he was my grandfather...It sucks to know you're related to a complete monster." I chuckled.

"Don't be so casual about this. I don't want him to hurt you."

"And I don't want him to kill you. I can't lose you." I pulled out of the hug and cupped his cheek.

"Everything is going to be okay..." I said.

"Promise?" Draco asked.


"Draco! Time for the Ceremony!" A women yelled.

Draco looked nervous. Not going to lie, I was so nervous but I can't show it, I don't want to worry Draco. I can't live without him.

Me and Draco looked at each other and nodded.


"Draco?- Oh Y/N! So good to see you, little worried you weren't going to show. I'm Narcissa." It was Draco's mother. She gave me a nice warm smile.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

"Oh and Draco, you head down, We have a dress for Y/N to wear." Narcissa said.

I nodded at Draco, he nodded back and made his way downstairs.

"Very well Y/N, try this dress on." She said handing me a black dress with off the shoulder style. It was cute.

I went in the bathroom to change and it fit perfectly

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I went in the bathroom to change and it fit perfectly. It really did show off my thin waist and curves. Wow Y/N what am I thinking. Snap out of it.

I walked out of the bathroom and Narcissa looked so impressed. "Wow, Y/N, it looks very lovely."

"Thank you!" I said.

She pointed her wand at me and made it so my straight hair became curly. Nice beach wave curls. She also re-touched my make-up but still a natural look. Thank the lord.

"Alright whenever you're ready." Narcissa said as she walked downstairs.

I inhaled and exhaled. Woah okay, I'm ready. Don't be afraid. Don't show any fear whatever happens.

I walked down the big staircase and instantly Draco's eyes interlocked with mine once again. I gave him a soft smile and he did the same to me. Been awhile since I've seen a real smile of his. Unless those other times were fake. I know this time it was real.

"Ah, Y/N, you look absolutely lovely." Voldemort said as he stood up.

I just looked at him. "Thank you."

"Please, take a seat by your boyfriend." Voldemort said pointing at Draco. Woah, boyfriend, Draco and I haven't talked about that. I mean yeah, he asked me but I never gave him answer. But all I know is that I would say yes.

I took a seat next to Draco and he whispered in my ear. "You look beautiful," and I mouth back to him a "Thank you," and smiled at him.

"Very well, let us begin." Voldemort said.

It's time.

The Blonde Bully [Draco X Reader] 15+Where stories live. Discover now