Episode 20: "Draco you know what I said."

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During my classes I didn't see Draco all day, it was so weird. Well maybe I might see him later. I hope.

"Hey Crabbe." I said walking up to him. He was talking to some other Kid from the Slytherin house. He rolled his eyes and he turned around to me.

"Oh hi." He said.

"Have you send Malfoy at all today?"

"What? He isn't with you?" Crabbe seemed worried.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Well lately he never hangs out with us."

"Oh, well thanks, let me know if you know any news about him."

Maybe I shouldn't worry, it's only been a couple hours since my first class. I just need to relax, it'll be fine.

{Time Skip: Dinner time}

I walked down to diner in hopes I'd see Draco sitting at his table but when I opened the door he wasn't sitting there. And before I can notice, Blaise walked up to me.

"Where's Draco?"

"I don't know, you haven't seen him either?" I asked.

"No, Pansy is getting so worried she might just kill herself."

Woah. She's nuts.

"Was he in your common room this morning?" I asked Blaise.

"While waking up this morning my eyes were so blurry I saw a figure but I was so tired I didn't see. But it looked like Draco." Blaise explained.

"He must have gone somewhere. But where, without telling you...or me?" I said. "Well thanks Blaise let me know if you have any news on him." I said walking off.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Hermione asked.

"No-" Ron took my food right as I answered. Not surprised.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"I don't think you guys would care." I said.

"Tell us, you're making us worry." Hermione said. I have no idea if she's saying that because she wants to be a good friend or she just needs to know everting thing.

I brought them close to me and whispered.

"Draco has been missing all day, no where to be seen..."

Harry instantly got up.

"Where are you going?" I said standing up with him.

He grabbed my hand along with Hermione and Ron followed behind but he brought us to Dumbledore's office.

"Harry, what are we doing here?" I asked as I admired his office.

"Draco's hiding something...something dark."


He opened some sort of water thing, had zero clue what it was.

"What is that?"

"Dumbledore showed it to me..."

Harry explained everything. Pretty interesting if you ask me. I don't know that much about Draco so maybe if I- No, I don't want to violate his privacy...but. I sighed.

After Harry studied his room and looked for
Possible clues Draco could've left, after they went back to their dorms as I stayed in the dark halls.

Where could he be?

{Time Skip: Midnight}

I couldn't fall asleep. I asked Harry if I could borrow his cloak, with luck he said yes. So I roamed the halls using it. Maybe I can find something.

"We're so close my boy!" I heard a voice down the hall. Sounded familiar, like...Lucias, Draco's dad, Harry found his name just not much background information.

"Thank you father." I heard another voice. It was Draco's. Is he? No it can't be. I refuse to believe he is working on Voldemort's side. I...it was to much for me. I can't loose him now. After lucias vanished I followed Draco quietly. Then I snatched him!

"Ah-" Draco yelled as he fell to the ground.

I wasn't planning on falling but as he feel he stepped on the cloak causing me to trip right on top of him.

"Y/N?-" Draco was surprised, even more now that our faces were inches away from each other.

"What are you up to Malfoy?" I didn't move.

He gulped. He got up which cause me to fall a bit in the side. But I got up with him.

He looked guilty. "I need to tell you something." He grabbed my hand and brought me back to the astronomy Tower.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I don't know anymore." He looked so sad. I
Couldn't bare to seem him like this.

"Draco..." I touched his arm.

He just looked down at his hands which were on the railings of the tower.

"Draco, I..." I sighed. It's now or never. "Draco I like you a lot, and so much that I might be even falling in love with you. I'm worried though, for you..."

He looked up.

"What?" He said looking at me.

"I said I'm worried for y-"

"No the other thing."

"Draco you know what I said."

"He took my hand." And now my chin was in the palm of his hand. I just closed my eyes.

I could feel his hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes and we were only centimeter away from each other.

He kissed me. I didn't expect that. I thought he'd just pull away but our lips moved in unison and I put my hands on the side of his neck and we just kissed. It only lasted less than 10 seconds but it was so amazing.

After our lips separated our for-heads were touching each other and we just closed our eyes.

"Y/N, I'm scared." Draco looked ashamed.

I put my hands on his cheeks. "You have no reason to be ashamed."

"How do you know, you don't know what I've done." He looked down.

I put my hands on his shoulders.

"I'll always be with you no matter what. Just tell me." I was so desperate, I want to help him.

"If I tell you, you will never want to see me again..." Draco said.

"That's not true. Unless you went all the way with Pansy Párkinson, then I would never forgive you." I chuckled. It seemed to make him chuckled as well.

He signed. "Y/N..." he stepped back a bit and lifted his sleeve from his black suit. It was a...death mark.

He could tell I was in shock.

"Draco? When did-" he walked up to me.

"I was chosen."

"Draco, no. This isn't you." I gave him a hug.
I don't know what he's going through but that for sure wasn't his choice to get a death mark. He didn't have a choice. No choice at all.

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