Episode 34: 2 weeks

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{Time Skip - one week later}

Draco's P.O.V

It's been one week. One full week. Y/N and I haven't spoken.

"Mr. Malfoy." Snape said walking up to me.

"Professor." I said.

"Your father and mother wish for your presence this weekend at the Manor." Snape replied.

"Is it a meeting?"


"Very well." Snape walked away. As I turned to the other way I saw Y/N.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Y/N, we're going to be late to class, come on!" Luna said taking my arm.

"Okay, okay." I chuckled. As we entered the hallway I turned my head to see Draco standing there.

We made direct eye contact. It's been a week since we last talked. Nothing between us is stable anymore. Only if we didn't have these marks, we'd still be okay.

I quickly walked past him, putting my head down.

I've tried to talk to him. Yesterday. The day before yesterday. He won't talk to me. I deserve it. But it's not fair. Maybe it is. I don't know anymore.

"Y/N can we talk?" Harry said approaching me.

"Hey what's up?" I said weakly.

"Let me see your arm." Harry said.

Hermione must have told him.

"Not here." I grabbed his arm and brought him to the broom closet near us.

"Hermione told me everything." Harry said.

"I know." I said looking down.

"Can I see it?" Harry asked as he placed his hand in my shoulder.

I nodded and slowly lifted my sleeve up.

"You can't tell anyone, Harry."

"I promise." He slowly grabbed my wrist and placed his hand on the mark.

"Does it hurt?" He said softly.

"Not as much as it used to. There are worst things that hurt at the moment." I answered.

"Like Malfoy?" Harry said.

I stayed silent. "Maybe."

"Did he make you get the mark?" Harry asked.

"No! Of course not..." I said.


"You guys assume a lot of things about him that aren't even true..."

"Y/N, I...I don't know Malfoy that much but he is capable of hurting this school."

"I have to go, Harry." I said as I began to open the door.

"Y/N." Harry said stopping me.

I was still facing the door.

"I know you don't want to hear this but, Malfoy will do anything to please his family and Voldem-" I walked out before he could finished.

What if he's right? I don't know what to do. I'm completely screwed. Draco isn't bad though. He's just scared.

I began walking to potions. Shit. I'm late.

After five minutes of walking I made it.

"Miss Y/L/N." Snape said.

"Sorry Im late-"


"What?!" I raised my voice.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing." I said quietly. And walking to my seat. Alone in the back.

I saw Draco sitting a few seats in front of me. Sitting with Pansy.

"Draco stop." Pansy giggled as Draco grabbed her hand.

I looked down at my desk.

"Can you come over after class?" I heard Pansy talk.

That's when Draco began to answer her. "I would love to but-"

"Mr Malfoy. Silence." Snape spoke.

Draco just looked down back at his book.

{Time Skip-2 hours}

"Hey are you coming down to dinner?" Hermione asked.

"I can't." I said.

"What why?" Hermione answered back.

"I got detention." I answered back.

"What did you do?" Hermione asked surprised.

"Harry was talking to me, so I was late."

"Oh. Sorry. Maybe I should've told him later."

"No, it's okay, I don't feel like talking to too many people anyway." I said.

"Well, after you're done meet me at the Gryffindor common room, Kay?" Hermione said.

"Sounds good." I said walking off.

I walked over to the library to find Snape walking out of the library.

"Uh, Profesor Snape?" I questioned.

"I'll be back in an hour. Clean." He said as she placed his hand out.

I gave him my wand.

"Does anyone else have detention?" I asked.

"Possibly." He said as he walked off.

'Possibly?' What's that suppose to mean?

I walked into the library and saw Draco.

I stood there frozen. He didn't seem to notice me yet. Snap out of it Y/N.

I decided to walk up to him. "Dra-"

He walked down the aisle. Maybe he did notice me. He just ignored me.

For two weeks. We will have detention together.

A/N: sorry I didn't write much, since it's spring break I've been out in a trip (I'm actually writing this on my trip) also I would I like to say that I started this fan fiction as a cringe joke thing but ppl seem to really like it so now I'm still writing 😂 also I'm working on a Dramione fic. COMING SOON!

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