Episode 1: Back Again

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"Y/N we have to leave now, you're going to miss the train!" "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I packed the few things I needed and was out the door, I made it to the train in time, usually I try to socialize with some people but not this time, I met my friends on the train, luckily they saved me a spot.

"About time you made it!" Luna said, "Hey Y/N, we almost thought you were gonna ditch." Harry said. "No, I wouldn't, anyway how were your guy's break from Hogwarts?" "Nothing really changed, Fred, George, and I took the car again and drove around, of course, Mum got upset at us, but it was worth it." Ron said. "Just muggle things, hung out with my Mum and Dad, went out to see their work a bit more and learn about it. Hermione said, "That's cool you guys!" I responded. Harry didn't say anything. Of course. Why did I have to ask, he already told us what a hell hole he's living in while away from Hogwarts. I gave him a soft smile which seemed to make him feel better. "Hey guys I'm getting something from the food trolley, do you guys want anything?" I asked, "No thanks!" Luna said with a soft smile turning back to her book. "Could you get me some chocolate frogs?" Ron said. "For sure, anyone else?" Harry and Hermione were dead asleep so I walked to the back of the train to find the trolley. I bumped into someone trying to walk past me. "Oh, I'm terribly sor-" "Watch where you're going, Ravenclaw." A blonde-haired boy said with a scoff. Of course. Draco Malfoy. Out of my whole 4 years of attending Hogwarts, I have never run into or talked to Draco Malfoy. I was a bit shocked, but I shook it off and walked back to my seat. "Here you go, Ron." Handing him his frogs. I fell asleep and awaited my arrival to Hogwarts.

A few hours had passed, I woke up by a tap on my shoulder. "Y/N wake up, we're here!" Luna said as she skipped off the train. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had already left, so I gathered my things and while walking down the aisle, I noticed someone sitting alone. "Uh, hi, the train is about to head back to London, you coming?" "Go on, I don't need you In my business." Mafloy said In a stern voice. I decided to respect his privacy, although I was annoyed that he reacted like that I just continued into the building. I went to the Ravenclaw table where Luna sat along with some of our other friends. "What took so long?" Luna asked. "Oh nothing just was talking to some people." I said with a smile. The doors opened and a blonde-haired boy walked in, making his way to the Slytherin table. Under my breath, I said, "Malfoy..." "What?" Luna said. "What? Oh nothing, but do you know anything about Malfoy?" I asked Luna. "Malfoy?" She asked in a surprised look. "Yeah..." "All I know is that he is a bully, but I'm really not that type of person to talked about others, maybe Harry and some of the other Gryffindors can tell you?" Luna said. "Oh ok, thanks anyway!" I said and continued to finish my meal. It was around 9 PM, we finally got to our dorms, I was so exhausted. Couldn't help but have some other Ravenclaw person put all my stuff away while I fell deep Asleep.

For those who Don't know Y/N is a Ravenclaw but deep down has a slytherin energy inherited by her mom. :))

ALSO this is my first story let me know with feedback, thanks!

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